LynneQuisition: Juliette Sobanet

Interviews by Lynne CantwellAt the beginning of the month, I grilled former indie author Jodi McIsaac about her experience working for Amazon and its 47 North imprint. This week, it’s Juliette Sobanet’s turn. She, too, started out as an indie, and has been picked up by Amazon’s Montlake Romance imprint. So far, they have published four of her books, with a fifth, Honeymoon in Paris, on the way. Continue reading “LynneQuisition: Juliette Sobanet”

LynneQuisition: Jodi McIsaac

For this month’s LynneQuisition, we turn to someone who knows the answer to a question we’ve probably all thought about: What does the EM have stashed in that footlocker in the basement? Oh, wait. That’s the wrong question. The one I meant was: What would it be like to work with Amazon Publishing?

Jodi McIsaac knows the answer. She first self-published her urban fantasy Through the Door, and then Amazon’s 47North imprint called. Continue reading “LynneQuisition: Jodi McIsaac”

The Indie News Beat Goes On

Chris James, our regular Indie News Beat ace reporter, is away on hiatus. In the meanwhile, I’ll be stepping into the breach to bring you all the relevant news an exhaustive fifteen minute Google search can deliver.

I know I don’t have the same looks, youth, style, wit, charm, literary acumen, intellectual firepower, or raw sex appeal that Chris has, but…I kind of forgot where I was going with that. Now I just feel sad. Oh well, here we go…

The story that seems to be sucking up the most oxygen right now is the Apple Price-Fixing trial. Our own Lynne Cantwell posted on that story here. Business Insider takes a look at it here. Closing arguments were made late last week. I think it is safe to say that it may take a while after the decision to understand the full ramifications, and how the ruling will ultimately impact indies.

The Independent (UK) reports that best-selling author Barbara Taylor Bradford thinks E.L. James’ (no relation to Chris)  50 Shades Of Grey is a big old steaming pile of crap. I for one, am shocked – shocked, I tell you, to learn that an eighty year-old woman doesn’t like a book about rough sex. Well, it takes all sorts, I guess.

Forbes reports that Amazon Publishing has its first million-selling hit. News of this sort is bound to upset the old guard publishers, especially considering Amazon pulled a Roswell and scrambled to “clarify” a statement made by Amazon Publishing Top Dog Larry Kirshbaum that Amazon algorithms would favor books published by its own imprint. I’m sure nothing could be further from the truth (cough). Amazon using its search algorithms to favorably position its own books? That’s just crazy talk.

Another author walks away from big publishing. The reasons seem to be the same: big publishers don’t treat authors with respect and don’t come across with any marketing muscle. You have to wonder how big publishing, basically only a middle-man between the writer and the consumer, ever came to think so highly of themselves.

We were sad to learn of the death of Vince Flynn. At age 47, he left us too soon. Vince was the bestselling author of the Mitch Rapp series. His first novel, Term Limits, collected 60 rejections from big publishing. He decided to self publish and the book caught fire. Big publishing then roused itself off its fat behind to sign him. He sold millions of books in the series of fourteen titles.

That’s it for this edition of Indies News Beat. Join us next time, when we try to find out if this guy and this guy were separated at birth. Or something.