Worldbuilding – by Steve Umstead

Author Steve Umstead

I’ve been asked several times what the most fun part of being an author is. Is it the vast riches? The adoring fans? The private jets? The high class parties?

Well, no. But if you see any of those, please steer them my way.

After thinking about it, I realized the most fun part of being an author is being able to create worlds. In my case, writing in the science fiction genre, I believe it’s even more fun, as I get to play with today’s technologies and settings, and naturally extrapolate them into the future. Continue reading “Worldbuilding – by Steve Umstead”

How to write a good love (sex) scene…

As a writer, I’d like to say I’m more known for my fantasy and thriller novels than for my romances and erotic romances (as V. J. Devereaux) but given how often I’m asked about the erotica, I’d have to say it’s about even. *grin* However, anyone who has read any of my books knows there are very few of them that don’t contain a certain level of romance. I’ve always wondered why we’re far more comfortable showing acts of mayhem and murder but we can’t show two people expressing affection and intimacy, one of the most joyful expressions of life? Far more important to your writing, though, is the reason you’re including that scene, whether you stop at the door, take a few steps inside, or go all the way. Continue reading “How to write a good love (sex) scene…”

Personal Appearance Troubleshooter

K. S. Brooks Reading from "Night Undone"
K. S. Brooks Reading from "Night Undone"

Last week I wrote about begrudingly participating in a public event. If you missed that post, you can read it here. Yes, I was a good girl, telling you all the reasons why you should pony up and “just do it.” Well, this week, I get to tell you how I really feel.

Many things can go wrong at an event. MANY. Unforeseen challenges, faux pas, wardrobe malfunctions and more are all a possibility. It’s best if you’re prepared, of course.  Here are some product suggestions which will help you prevent a number of heinous scenarios. Continue reading “Personal Appearance Troubleshooter”

Meet the Author: Kathy Meis

Kathy Meis

Kathy Meis is a writer, editor, and an award-winning journalist. She says her  greatest area of strength as a writer is her ability to take complex ideas and simplify them for a general audience.Curiously, I do just the opposite. That may explain my sales.

“As a journalist, ghostwriter and public speaker for more than twenty years, I’ve written articles, speeches and books on a wide variety of subjects such as green technologies, finance, scientific controversies, politics, the media, publishing, economics, etc. For a content nerd like myself, it has been a great gig. I get to research and write about so many different topics. It has kept my professional writing life very interesting,” she says. Continue reading “Meet the Author: Kathy Meis”