Check … check. Testing, one two three testing. Hey, is this mic on? Whoops, sorry for the feedback. Hi all. My name is Jim and I’m not sure how I got here. I was minding my own business, playing around with my blog, when out of nowhere this Stephen Hise character asks me to guest blog on this thing called Indies Unlimited. How did he find me? I mean, aren’t we all going through the Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn thing because we have to? Were we really supposed to garner attention with all that? So, that leads us to where we are today. Now, I’m a bona fide minion in the Indies Unlimited family. First thing that comes to mind, “I’m not worthy.” *On knees , hands out front, repeatedly genuflecting a la Wayne’s World*
So now, I’m supposed to give you a brief rundown of who you’re stuck with every Saturday. Continue reading “Jim Devitt Reporting … uh, posting”