Meet the Author: Kristen James

Author Kristen James

Kristen says she has always been passionate about stories and took up writing at a young age. Many of her early novels, back in middle school, were actually rewrites of her  favorite movies. “Of course I didn’t see that until later on! I rewrote The Swiss Family Robinson into The Island Tribe, a story about kids. I began getting published in 2005, first in a short story journal out of Australia called Skive and then a small press in Canada called Lachesis Publishing. Around that time, I joined the self publishing bandwagon and found I enjoy designing the book along with writing it. My books are mainly romance with other genres thrown in,” she says.

Kristen’s describes her writing style as conversational with vivid descriptions and characters that draw in the reader. She says most of her reviews mention how much the reader liked the characters and the mystery element in her romances. “Several things might set my novels apart such how I use Oregon and the beauty here, the warm characters, and my dialogue. I’ve gotten quite a few compliments on that.” Continue reading “Meet the Author: Kristen James”

Goodreads Giveaway – Rosanne Dingli’s Encore

Rosanne Dingli's EncoreJust in time for the festive holiday season, Goodreads is hosting a giveaway for Rosanne Dingli’s brand new story collection, Encore. Two paperback copies are up for grabs. Enter free at Goodreads!   Make sure to get your entry in by December 31st!

All the stories in Encore are loosely themed around music. Music can soothe, excite, gladden or console. It gives a special edge to fiction intended for readers who are not exactly sixteen: young at heart, perhaps, but enjoying second-time love.

So head on over to Goodreads and enter to win a copy of Rosanne Dingli’s Encore!



Custom Facebook URLs

Wow.  One of the most common…flubs, for lack of a better word…that I see is a Facebook author page with a discombobulated URL.  I must see at least one or two a day.  “Come check out my page!” they’ll say to me, presenting me with a link that looks like “”   Hey, Judy, guess what?  No one’s going to remember how to get to your author page with a link like that.

Don’t feel badly, authors aren’t the only ones who fall into this — lots of folks with “Business” and other kinds of pages do as well.   And guess what?  There is something you can do about it.

Continue reading “Custom Facebook URLs”

Meet the Author: Lili Tufel – with exclusive surprise announcement!

Author Lili Tufel

Author Lili Tufel writes fast-paced nonstop action. She says,  “If I’m bored, then I know my readers are bored. If I’m feeling a rush of excitement then I know my readers will have their pulse racing. Sand is full of surprises that surprised me as I wrote them. The shock ending was my favorite, what a rush!”

Lili seems to get an idea for a book then researches the living daylights out of it.  She says that for her book SAND, a military action-thriller, she wanted to explore a potential romance between an active duty US Army Ranger and a Colonel’s daughter who is under peril. Continue reading “Meet the Author: Lili Tufel – with exclusive surprise announcement!”