10 Publishing Terms Every New Author Should Know

definition and bookshelvesSo, you’ve decided you want to self-publish your book because you’ve heard it’s a great way to get your masterpiece into the world. But now that you’ve started researching, you come across term after term that make no sense. While Google is great, it can also turn into a black hole that swallows up your valuable writing time. So here, we’re going to take a look at 10 terms every self-publisher should know. The goal is brevity and clarity, to get you a good grasp on what it means without sucking away your time. That said, let’s get to it. Continue reading “10 Publishing Terms Every New Author Should Know”

Vanity, Predatory, Indie, Trad: What Does that Mean Again?

publishing types type-1161953_960_720The assignment I volunteered for seemed simple at first. Take four terms to describe different publishing entities and explain the differences.

1)      Vanity Press

2)      Predatory Publisher

3)      Small Indie Press

4)      Traditional (or Trad) Publisher

Let’s strike the Small from Small Indie Press. It’s kind of redundant. Indie Press is good enough.

The reason for the article is primarily to have something to point to when someone asks certain kinds of questions to at least establish a foundation for further discussion. Five or six years ago, this conversation would have gone something like this: Continue reading “Vanity, Predatory, Indie, Trad: What Does that Mean Again?”

Indies Unlimited Resource Pages

graduation capHere at Indies Unlimited, we are constantly trying to identify the needs of authors at all levels of the publishing spectrum. In an effort to provide useful information in a sea of internet data, we’ve recently introduced some Author Resource Pages. Some of our new resource pages include:.

I’ve Written a Book, How Do I Publish It?
This resource page includes articles on the entire process from proofreading to how to find an editor to the anatomy of a copyright page, all the way to pushing the publish button. It’s a great resource for newbies and experienced authors alike.


Glossary for Authors
Sometimes it’s just not obvious what abbreviations mean, and sometimes it’s just a wee little bit embarrassing to have to ask what someone’s talking about. This glossary will help.


How to Spot a Scam
Scammers change their company names all the time. The best way to protect yourself is to know what to look for. This resource page will teach you what you need to know, so you don’t become a victim. (And don’t forget out #PublishingFoul resource page.)


Reviews and Review Sites
As you hopefully know by now, IU does not review books. This handy resource page will help you figure out how to find the right reviewers for your book(s).


Book Promotion Sites
Martin Crosbie has been generous enough to share his list of book promotion sites with all of us. It is updated as new sites come to our attention. All those sites are checked by Martin before being added to the list.


This page contains all the useful IU articles arranged by tag. Know what you need? Just click on the subject which interests you and all the articles associated with it will magically appear. Yes, we did this just for you.


We’re adding new resource pages all the time. Please feel free to share these pages if you know someone in need, and please use the contact form if there’s a resource page subject you’d like us to research.

Indies Unlimited Resource Pages

gradutation capHere at Indies Unlimited, we are constantly trying to identify the needs of authors at all levels of the publishing spectrum. In an effort to provide useful information in a sea of internet data, we’ve recently introduced some Author Resource Pages. Some of our new resource pages include:

I’ve Written a Book, How Do I Publish It?
This resource page includes articles on the entire process from proofreading to how to find an editor to the anatomy of a copyright page, all the way to pushing the publish button. It’s a great resource for newbies and experienced authors alike.


Glossary for Authors
Sometimes it’s just not obvious what abbreviations mean, and sometimes it’s just a wee little bit embarrassing to have to ask what someone’s talking about. This glossary will help.


How to Spot a Scam
Scammers change their company names all the time. The best way to protect yourself is to know what to look for. This resource page will teach you what you need to know, so you don’t become a victim.


Reviews and Review Sites
As you hopefully know by now, IU does not review books. This handy resource page will help you figure out how to find the right reviewers for your book(s).


This page contains all the useful IU articles arranged by tag. Know what you need? Just click on the subject which interests you and all the articles associated with it will magically appear. Yes, we did this just for you.


We’re adding new resource pages all the time. Please feel free to share these pages if you know someone in need, and please use the contact form if there’s a resource page subject you’d like us to research.