How to Get Reviews via Goodreads

goodreads logoIn the writing community, people often suggest soliciting reviews via Goodreads, but for the new author, how may not be immediately obvious. Today, I’ll give an overview of how to use Goodreads to solicit reviews.

Generally, the best way to solicit reviews via Goodreads is through the Goodreads Groups, which are established and run by members. Many of the discussion groups have programs that allow authors to offer a free eBook copy of their book in exchange for an honest review. The programs tend to be called R4R (read for review), R2R (read to review) or Authors Seeking Reviews. If you’ve never done R4R, here are the basics. Continue reading “How to Get Reviews via Goodreads”

What Do Book Reviewers Really, Really Want?

come hither beauty reviewer -422700_640When we submit our masterpieces to a review site or blog hoping for some feedback (and of course a 5 star review on Amazon and Goodreads), there are rules. Each site has its own submission guidelines. We have to follow these of course, but sometimes, even when we stay within those parameters we’re still unable to attract the attention of those elusive reviewers. Well, they are busy. They’re all trying to wade through the virtual piles of eBooks that are submitted to them. I wanted to know, other than following the rules and presenting a professional product, what entices professional reviewers to check out a book.

I polled a few reviewers and I asked them one question (well, two actually):

Other than being attracted to a book because it falls within your favored genre, are there other factors that sway you in picking one book over another? If so, what are they? Continue reading “What Do Book Reviewers Really, Really Want?”

Review Action Package!


I know, I know: getting reviews out of readers is one of the great mysteries of our days. Why, oh why, are people so averse to posting their opinions online? You put your books out there, bared your soul for all to see – some even for free – yet these readers will not reward you with a meager review. What’s an author to do?

Don’t worry – you’re not alone. The good folks over at Stalkopedia and Zhitty Airlines have teamed up to bring Indie Authors another solution: the Review Action Package! Continue reading “Review Action Package!”