Amazon’s Kindle Countdown Deal

Kindle Countdown DealsSo what’s the deal on the Kindle Countdown Deal? You may have heard of it, but let’s break it down to the nuts and bolts and see how it works. The Countdown Deal (CD) is an additional promotional tool Amazon offers to those authors who have their books in KDP Select (KDPS). It allows authors to create a gradually diminishing discount of their books over a four day period with the idea being to inject a bit of urgency and excitement into sales.

Here’s an example. If your book is normally $4.99 on Kindle, you can set up a Countdown Deal to work like this: Continue reading “Amazon’s Kindle Countdown Deal”

Kindle Countdown Poll

Kindle Countdown DealThe Kindle Countdown Deals is a new program. Jim Devitt wrote an article about the inception of KCD and K.S. Brooks wrote about her experience with Kindle Countdown. And now, there’s an issue with royalties.

Amazon has an impressive history of programmatic successes. The early reports back on this particular effort seem less than stellar. While it is still too early for a comprehensive assessment, we’d like to know your thoughts.

If you have used a Kindle Countdown promotion for a book, please answer item A. If you have not used Kindle Countdown, please answer item B.


A. If you have used a Kindle Countdown (without any other advertising or promotion) to promote your books, how would you describe the impact on your sales?

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B. If you have NOT used a Kindle Countdown to promote your books, why not?

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Amazon’s New Kindle Countdown Deals Promotion

Kindle Countdown DealsAmazon announced a new promotion tool this past week, the Kindle Countdown Deals. Authors enrolled in KDP Select may be able to take advantage of this new program. It boils down to a time-driven discount promotion. Here are the basics of the new Kindle Countdown Deals. Continue reading “Amazon’s New Kindle Countdown Deals Promotion”