To Kirkus, or Not, Times Two

GJ Berger Author PhotoGuest Post
by GJ Berger

My sometimes serious writing journey started when snail mail and slush piles were common, when Internet queries were just getting going, and credible self-published fiction was mostly unknown. Back then, my second completed novel landed a solid NYC agent, came close to getting picked up by a couple of Big Houses, but in the end some eight years later, I had neither an agent nor a traditional publishing deal.

I did now, in early 2012, have a third novel in good shape and had not lost the yearning to find readers. The new path to self-publishing now looked open and far more worthy than it had been just five or six years before. I decided to try it. Continue reading “To Kirkus, or Not, Times Two”

Kirkus Clarified: Guest Post by Karen Schechner

Karen Schechner
Karen Schechner
Senior Indie Editor, Kirkus Reviews

Guest post
by Karen Schechner
Senior Indie Editor
Kirkus Reviews

In early January of this year, I chatted with Laurie Boris about operations here at Kirkus Indie, where I’m the senior Indie editor. That conversation sparked a lively discussion in the comments section, which gave me an opportunity to answer many of the great questions posed by Indies Unlimited readers. (Anyone curious about Kirkus might want to check out the original article.) One of the commenters on that original article recently contributed a new Indies Unlimited post titled “Kirkus Reviews: A Disparity Apparent,” and I just wanted to respond and correct some of the points made in that post. For quick reference, I’ve broken the response into bullet points. Of course, if you still have questions about Indie, you can always reach us at [email protected]. Continue reading “Kirkus Clarified: Guest Post by Karen Schechner”

Kirkus Reviews: A Disparity Apparent

There are a lot of opinions out there about Kirkus Reviews. In the end, it’s up to each individual author to decide if spending that amount of money (~$425.00) will give him or her the return on investment or exposure they want.

Here are some articles about Kirkus Reviews (click here). If you’ve paid for a Kirkus Review, we’d love to hear about your experience. Please contact us through the contact form.

Thank you.

Meet Karen Schechner from Kirkus Reviews

SchechnerKirkusPhotoIf you’ve been kicking at this indie thing for a while, you might be familiar with Kirkus Indie, an arm of Kirkus Reviews that offers a paid review service for indie authors. The prices can be steep, which has been a point of contention in the indie community. I had the opportunity to meet Karen Schechner, senior indie editor at Kirkus Reviews, at a self-publishing conference in New York. After an interesting and rather aerobic discussion with Karen and another author in an elevator after lunch break, I invited her to come by IU and give her side of the issue.

Continue reading “Meet Karen Schechner from Kirkus Reviews”