NOOK Press

If you have published directly to Nook’s PubIt in the past, you likely received an e-mail from Barnes & Noble last week, announcing that they would have some exciting news for us all.

That news, we learned on Tuesday, is the launch of NOOK Press. I took the site for a spin this week to see how it all works. Continue reading “NOOK Press”

Publish it with PubIt?

For the past nine months or so, I’ve been conducting an experiment. Instead of letting Smashwords handle distribution of my new ebooks to Barnes & Noble, I’ve been uploading them directly to B&N by using PubIt, their dedicated ebook publishing system. The royalty is slightly higher by going directly through B&N (65 percent on ebooks priced at $2.99 and higher, compared to 60 percent when you go through Smashwords). Plus I thought I might get paid faster if I cut out the middleman and uploaded my books directly to B&N. Continue reading “Publish it with PubIt?”