If you want to be on the cutting edge in popular writing these days, there is a new format quite a few writers are following that you might want to try. In essence, it copies the format of a Netflix finite series. This format is very popular in on-demand TV, so if the market in books hasn’t developed yet, it soon will. The storyline borrows from soap operas, TV series, and Ken Burns-style historical documentaries. Continue reading “A New Novel Format: the Netflix Finite Series”
Tag: series
Author Eats Crow – Never Say Never
Way back in 2014, I wrote an article here on Indies Unlimited about how I would (almost) NEVER write a sequel or a series. I ranted quite a bit about inspiration vs. conscious, mechanical design of a plot, and I named names. As you might imagine, I got both positive and negative comments on that post, as I fully expected.
So here I sit, five years later, and I’m writing Book #22 of my paranormal mystery series!
What changed? Nothing. Everything. I have no idea. Continue reading “Author Eats Crow – Never Say Never”
Why I Don’t Write Sequels or Series

As an author, is there any better feeling that that of being on fire? I mean, of course, being inflamed with inspiration, with an idea, with a story. What’s better than that little *pop* as an idea flares to life, blue and orange and yellow, that little flicker that when shielded from the wind, when protected and encouraged begins to bite into the fuel of possibilities and grow, reaching ever upward, ever outward as the possibilities turn into inspired plot points and compelling characters? You know the feeling. But does it happen every time we sit down to write? Does it herald the beginning of every new project?
We wish. Continue reading “Why I Don’t Write Sequels or Series”
The Accidental Non-Linear Series
In the past, I’ve written standalone novels and never seriously considered releasing sequels to any of them. But every time another writing colleague published another installment in his or her series, gaining in sales and readership, a little voice in my head said: I gotta write one of those someday. Continue reading “The Accidental Non-Linear Series”