Yet Another Numbers Game

In the last few weeks Indies Unlimited has crashed through a significant barrier in the world of internet traffic. Our Alexa ranking has fallen below the six figure mark and currently stands at 67,049*. Whoop de woo, totes amazeballs! (It’s a phrase used by young people, M’lud). Ok, I know most of you glazed over just then, and quite right too, but I’m going to explain what’s going on and why it’s worth understanding.

If you’re anything like me, you are forever reading about new ways to promote your book. Since the explosion of interest in Indie authors, there’s been a parallel explosion of people/businesses/websites/blogs clamouring for your time, attention and sometimes your money. (Can you have a parallel explosion? Maybe not. My metaphors go to pot when I’m excited.) Continue reading “Yet Another Numbers Game”

Pinterest Update

The world of Pinterest continues to develop at a breakneck speed. This post will be an update that will contain some of the most helpful new features and stylish changes on the website. If you haven’t read any of the previous posts about Pinterest featured on Indies Unlimited please check out the following posts:

This post will assume that you have a profile already set-up and that you understand the basics of the website. Continue reading “Pinterest Update”

Top Ten: The Most Viewed Articles on Indies Unlimited

I’d been wanting to do a top ten list of the most viewed articles on Indies Unlimited for a while now, but I hesitated because, as modesty is perhaps the finest of my many fine qualities, I thought it might be a little embarrassing to see a list of ten articles by me (ahem).

However, through some flaw in the statistics, it appears some other folks actually wrote some articles that people read.

So without further ado, here is a list of Indies Unlimited’s greatest hits: Continue reading “Top Ten: The Most Viewed Articles on Indies Unlimited”

Four Seasons In One Day

There is a song written by a kiwi band (Crowded House) called Four Seasons In One Day. It is so appropriate, especially for Aucklanders who seem to face varied weather on a constant basis. I guess that’s the price you pay for being a skinny country surrounded by water.

Anyway – I thought I would use the song title to lead into my discussion.

To me, writing works in seasons. You have your writing season, your publishing season, your marketing season and your social season. (There are probably more but I’m just going to stick with four for this analogy.) My favorite seasons by far are the writing and publishing ones. I love getting lost in a book. I wish I had more hours in the day to bury myself in my imagination and wander the worlds with my characters. I also love seeing the book come to life, finalizing the cover and, as much as I dislike blurb writing and formatting, it is cool see the book online or in paperback. Continue reading “Four Seasons In One Day”