The Secret Key to Using Twitter That Most Authors Overlook

Lauren SapalaGuest Post
by Lauren Sapala

It seems like every writer is on Twitter these days. We know that social media can be a powerful tool to help us network, sell books, and raise our prospects of becoming a household name. But most authors report dissatisfaction with their Twitter experience. They don’t see a significant increase in sales, or their fan base, and they end up wondering if it’s even worth their time to be on Twitter at all. But Twitter is not to blame. What’s really happening is that authors are missing a key piece of the puzzle. Continue reading “The Secret Key to Using Twitter That Most Authors Overlook”

Finding a Better Hashtag: the Basics of Hashtagify

hashtag for indie authorsHashtags are a great way to direct your post on social media towards viewers who might want to see what you have to say. Everybody knows that. But there are about 60 million hashtags out there. How can you find hashtags that will attract the right people to your post?

Hashtagify is a handy tool for finding useful hashtags. Here’s how it works. Continue reading “Finding a Better Hashtag: the Basics of Hashtagify”

Registering a HashTag

twubs logoThe other day, I was chatting with an author who had registered the title of her book as a hashtag. She really had it together – mentioning the hashtag in her book, and even in her book’s description. I was wowed by this level of planning and technology.

“How did you know to register the hashtag?” I asked.

“It was in an article on Indies Unlimited,” she answered.

Well, I’ll be. And it sure was. Lynne Cantwell interviewed Kriss Morton and wrote Hashtags 501 – and I must have been so dazzled by the amazing amount of hashtag knowledge that I missed that part.

I kind of liked the idea of registering a hashtag, so I decided to give it a shot. I went to and entered “MrPish” in the big “enter a hashtag” box. A little wheel spun for a moment, but there were no results. Cool! This hashtag was mine, all mine! *rubbing hands together in an evil manner* Continue reading “Registering a HashTag”

How to Work the New Twitter Profile Design

Screen shot 2014-05-05 at 8.23.31 PMIf you’ve popped over to Twitter recently, you might have noticed a prompt to change to their new profile design. Again. Okay, I like change, especially when it comes in sacks of dollar coins or has a vague potential to up my visibility, so I bit. And I got this…

Continue reading “How to Work the New Twitter Profile Design”