I will, right after you kiss my A**

I’m sorry but I’ve hit the wall. I’m tired of it. I don’t want to be asked to “like” your product page or check out your website or buy your book. The fact that we follow each other on Twitter or are brand new Facebook friends just isn’t enough. We might get to the point where we talk about each other’s work and I may be interested in buying your book at some point but it can’t be the first thing you ask me to do. It absolutely has to stop. Continue reading “BUY/LIKE MY BOOK/PAGE/WEBSITE”

How to Do a TwitterView

People keep talking about what a great marketing tool Twitter is, but some of us – call us the unhip, technologically-challenged generation – can’t help but wonder why. It all just seems like noise to us. Particularly if you’re following a whole bunch of authors who spam your feed with automated “buy my book!!!” tweets. (Of course, nobody here would do that, right?) Continue reading “How to Do a TwitterView”

Social Media Survey

Most of us spend a good chunk of our time interacting with the world through social media. Various platforms abound and new ones seem to bubble up to the surface almost daily. Many people use multiple platforms, but we suspect we each have one that is our favorite. Hopefully, we spend the most time on the social network that gives us the biggest return for our investment of time and energy. We’d like to know which platform that is for you.

Tell us, from among the choices listed, which is your preferred social media platform:

My favorite social media program is:

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Myspace is Back!

They’re back! Yup, the New Myspace has been rebranded and re-launched. What? You didn’t know the old one was gone? Technically, it never was really gone, just forgotten about.

Myspace has rebranded itself as a social entertainment network. It focuses heavily on music and comes off as a cross between Tumblr and Pinterest. Myspace is currently in “beta” test. There is suppose to be connectivity with Facebook and Twitter, but as of this writing, the functionality was not working.

In order to sign up, you can request an invite here. Although, by the time this post goes live, you may be able to just sign up at Continue reading “Myspace is Back!”