Within and without by Rosanne Dingli

Author Rosanne Dingli

When an author decides to start writing a book, the different sides of the project – like the sides of a cube – present themselves. Just like a cube, the new project does not reveal all planes in one viewing. There is always a hidden side – or a difficult aspect for an author to address.

It is possible to give the six sides of the cube different facet names associated with writing a novel: story, plot, structure, characters, locations … and the all-important premise. They all present challenges to the author. The last more than the others. Hm – can an author afford to address the premise last? Turning the cube so that premise is always on the blind side might be possible when scribbling out a plot outline, or sketching out the various characters. Continue reading “Within and without by Rosanne Dingli”

Blocking Writer’s Block by JD Mader

Author JD Mader

I want to talk for a second about how to deal with writer’s block – don’t. Writer’s block is a myth. It is a psych-out. I have been writing for half my life and I have taught enough writing workshops to honestly believe that writer’s block does not exist…unless you let it exist.

Let me qualify that a bit. There are times when I am blocked on a certain piece, certainly. But that doesn’t mean I can’t write. Writer’s block is fear, pure and simple. And it is easy to let that fear dominate you. But it is easy to avoid, too.

I write every day. Usually around 500 words. A lot more lately. There is never a day when I ‘can’t write’, because I don’t try to force it. If I am working on a novel and I feel jammed up, I write a story. If I can’t think of a story, I look around me…I start describing something. Usually, that leads to something. Sometimes it leads to 500 words of description. So what? Continue reading “Blocking Writer’s Block by JD Mader”

How Did This Happen??

I’m not sure when it started.  There was what seemed to be a simple, innocent message on Facebook:  a “hi, I don’t know you, but I just read your blog and you seem very professional.  Would you like to write a guest post for my blog?”  I was flattered.  I didn’t know this Stephen Hise person, but obviously he had good taste.  He wanted to know about my experience as an Indie Author.  I certainly had a lot of that.  And my journey was probably one of the oddest I can recall.  I’m not in the habit of writing guest posts.  I’m lazy.  Lazy as hell in fact.  I’m a driven lunatic with one goal in mind:  write books.  I turned out 4 in 2011, and I’m shooting for 5 in 2012.  2013 is going to be a bye.  In any case, I obliged.  You can read my guest post here.

Then, the next email came.  “Want to do an interview?” he asked.  I may be a single-sighted lunatic, but I’m not stupid.  Any time I get an opportunity for free exposure, I take it.  Interviews are usually easy, and sometimes I learn things about myself.  And, to top it off, Steve’s interviews are then posted in feature article format.  As we’d say back in Boston “that’s the ballz.”  So I agreed.  (You can read that story here.) Continue reading “How Did This Happen??”

Indies Unlimited Wins Coveted Prize

Author and Superhero crime-fighter Katheryn Lane has bestowed an honor upon me. Indies Unlimited has been given the coveted Versatile Blogger Award. I feel so honored, but I have nothing prepared.

I’d like to thank the members of the academy, my Mom and Dad, who always knew I’d grow up to be a blogger once the internet was invented, and my wonderful wife, whose technological expertise and relentless pursuit of perfection (ever since she screwed up by marrying me) made this blog possible. Continue reading “Indies Unlimited Wins Coveted Prize”