Indies Unlimited has been named as a finalist in the Independent Book Blogger Awards. This competition was conducted under the aegis of Goodreads and the Association of American Publishers.
The announcement reads, “Goodreads and the Association of American Publishers are pleased to announce the winners of the first-ever Independent Book Blogger Awards. Designed to showcase the incredible talent working in the book blogging community today, this year’s award winners are standouts in their field.”
Goodreads reports that in this inaugural IBBA, 804 blogs were entered and nearly 10,000 members voted. Blogs could be entered in four categories: Adult Fiction; Adult Nonfiction; Young Adult & Children’s; and Publishing Industry. Indies Unlimited entered in the Publishing Industry category and was named with 13 other blogs as a finalist in the category.
The winner in the Publishing Industry category Is Writer Beware, a well-known, respected, and valuable resource in the indie community. We are proud to have trod the same stage with them and extend our heartfelt congratulations and appreciation for all the team at Writer Beware does for the benefit of writers.
I founded Indies Unlimited October 6, 2011. I find it remarkable that a blog still less than a year old can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the best. The credit for this lies with the outstanding team of writers here at Indies Unlimited and my co-administrator, Kat Brooks.
Thanks to all our readers, excellent guest contributors, and everyone who voted for us. We appreciate your support.
Congratulations, you guys. Well done!
Thanks Barry.
Woo hoo!
Awesome! Woot! Thank you to everyone who voted!
Well deserved.
Congrats well deserved.
Thanks everyone…and everyone who voted, like Laurie said!
Big thanks!
Love seeing my favorite Indies site recognized…way to go folks!
Donna, you rock! Thanks for your support.
Donna, thanks so much for all your tweeting! You do rock!
Congratulations to Indies Unlimited for it's success and continuing great service to the indie community.
Thank you Ed.
Well-deserved! Congratulations!
Great work, Mr Hise and Ms Brooks and y'all at Indies Unlimited.
This is taking awe-inspiring awesomeness to awesomely new hieghts, which the mere adjective "awesome" can't even begin to scale.
Chris, that was an awesome comment.
Awesome! Congrats!
Congrats!! Well deserved.
Great work, everyone. Fantastic stuff.
Thanks for all your hard work, and especially the tips on various mind-blowing things and the humour
Well done!
Wonderful!Popping virtual champagne!
Thanks. Sure, I'll have a glass.
Congrats! A well-deserved honor.
Many thanks, Lynne.
IU is a wonderful place to hangout and I bless the random link I first followed to get here! Well done Team IU!
We're glad you found us.
Well done.
I have to say this is one of the most professional blogging sites I've ever seen.
What a nice compliment. Thanks Jaq.
Yay for Indies Unlimited!! Stephen and Kat – you guys rock! Thanks for being awesome leaders and heading up such an amazing site.
Yeah!! Great work guys!
Way to go! You guys are awesome. Knew you'd be a success.