A hearty congrats to Kira Flynn whose entry won this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.
The voter-selected story is recognized with a special feature here today and wins a place in our 2015 Flash Fiction Anthology, which will be published as an eBook when this year’s challenges are completed.
Without further ado, here’s the winning story:

by Kira Flynn
I watched in fascination as the frost swirled and danced on the windshield. It was beautiful, unlike anything I’d ever seen. I’d always loved the winter, and even being lost I felt comfortable, happy.
The noise got louder, and I realized it was someone laughing. But the laughing was different, it sounded almost like…bells?
I knew getting out was probably dangerous. I should start my car and find my way out of here. But curiosity overwhelmed me, I had to look.
The car door was stuck, and I had to kick hard to get it open. The laughter grew louder.
What I saw outside took my breath away. Tall pines surrounded me, and the world was covered in the most amazing, beautiful sparkling new fallen snow. I stood in awe, and I was smiling.
“Have you ever seen anything so wonderful?”
I spun around, but there was nobody there. I heard the laughter once more.
“We did this for you, you know.”
Again I looked, and this time I saw something shimmering. The shimmer slowly took the form of a human, blue, with wings.
“For me?”
She nodded, and I could see her smile.
“You’re one of us. And now the time has come for you to come home.”
One of them. “A faerie?”
She nodded. “A winter faerie. But I think you’ve always known that.”
I did. She held out her hand, and I went with her.
And I never looked back.
Congrats, Kira, what a great story. I’m just happy to have made the finals. Time to get ready for next week’s!
Congratulations, Kira. Fun story.
Thank you!