Chris Sparks is the readers’ choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.
The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.
Without further ado, here’s the winning entry:

Sauna Time
by Chris Sparks
“Long week?” a voice came from the corner of the sauna.
“Yes sir,” John replied. “I can’t get away from anyone, that’s why I’m in here hiding.”
A stocky man with a long white beard came into view from the corner.
“Why would you want to get away from anyone? It’s almost Christmas!” The stocky man said.
“People irritate me to no end, all they do is want things! They never give” John said.
“What would you ask for if someone were to give, since it is the holidays?”
“I’d ask for this stress to go away! I’m the only one doing any real work around here” John exclaimed.
The stocky man chucked, as if what John said was funny. He sits down across from John, stroking his beard.
“You know, I can fulfill that wish if you’d like.” He said.
John snorted, “Yea right, how are you going to do that? Finish my proposal for me? Or plan on taking my place at the family christmas dinner and listen to my mother-in-law yap about me never spending enough time at home?”
In a moments notice, the stocky man bounded towards John. His reflexes weren’t fast enough and he felt the hot knife enter his heart. He looked up, surprised at the man.
“I told you I could take it away. Take it away forever.”
As the life faded from John, he heard the stocky man start to sing:
“He sees you when you’re sleeping… he knows when you’re awake…”
Thank you!