Flash Fiction Challenge: Snow in the Forecast?

Flash Fiction writing Prompt copyright KS Brooks university of va2
Photo copyright K. S. Brooks. Do not use without attribution.

The little white dog had been listening to the disappointed townspeople for weeks now; this would be the first year in a century without a white Christmas. The town’s livelihood depended on snow at this time of year. The residents were despondent. So, the pup decided it was time to see if he could do anything about it.

He set off on a cold but sunny winter’s day with the hope that he could sniff out the answer to making snow. But then he smelled meat pie cooking at the local pizza place.

No, no, no, he thought. Stay on task. Snow! I must find snow. A brightness filled his big brown eyes with an idea that might solve the town’s problems…


Welcome to the Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. In 250 words or less, write a story incorporating the elements in the picture and the written prompt above. Do not include the prompt in your entry. The 250 word limit will be strictly enforced.

Please keep language and subject matter to a PG-13 level.

Use the comment section below to submit your entry. Entries will be accepted until Tuesday at 5:00 PM Pacific Time. No political or religious entries, please. Need help getting started? Read this article on how to write flash fiction.

On Tuesday night, judges will select the strongest entries, and on Wednesday afternoon, we will open voting to the public with an online poll so they may choose the winner. Voting will be open until 5:00 PM Thursday.

On Saturday morning, the winner will be recognized as we post the winning entry along with the picture as a feature. Then, at year end, the winners will be featured in an anthology like this one. Best of luck to you all in your writing!

Entries only in the comment section. Other comments will be deleted. See HERE for additional information and terms. Please note the rule changes for 2015.

Victoria Ann Carr Wins Flash Fiction Challenge

Victoria Ann Carr is the readers’ choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Without further ado, here’s the winning entry:

Continue reading “Victoria Ann Carr Wins Flash Fiction Challenge”