How to Sideload a Kindle 2017 Edition

how to sideload a kindle IMG_2348Back in 2013, I posted a tutorial on how to sideload your Kindle. As we all know, however, time, tide, and technology wait for no man or woman. Sometimes we have to jog — or even run — to keep up. So we decided it was time to update that particular post.


There are a couple of ways you can add files to your Kindle without involving an eBook seller like Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Probably the Continue reading “How to Sideload a Kindle 2017 Edition”

Amazon: Unequal Treatment for Trads and Indies?

amazon messes with indies water-glass-2542790_960_720Let’s say there’s an indie author who has a couple of books under her belt. And she’s chatting on, oh, I dunno, Goodreads, and she says something that rubs some people the wrong way, and some guys get really, really steamed at her. So they get together with their friends and stage an attack on the author on Amazon, leaving her books a raft of one-star reviews. A number of those reviews attack the author and not the book.

Our author, who has put in a lot of hours learning her craft and whose books enjoyed ratings nearing five stars, suddenly sees that her ratings have dropped into the three-star range. Panicked and upset, she combs through the new reviews, and despite her pain and revulsion, she realizes where all these new, bad reviews came from. She appeals to Amazon, Continue reading “Amazon: Unequal Treatment for Trads and Indies?”

Minion Spotlight: Melinda Clayton

IU minion Melinda ClaytonAs you probably know by now, the staff authors here at Indies Unlimited are referred to as minions. No one is sure exactly how or when that started, but it stuck. What you may not realize is that all the minions (and everyone) here at IU work for free. That’s right, they don’t get a dime out of this. They do it out of the goodness of their hearts. So our Fearless Leader (admin) thought it would be nice to give some props to the minions by featuring each of them in a spotlight interview. We hope you enjoy it.

What is your name?

Melinda Clayton.

What is your quest? Continue reading “Minion Spotlight: Melinda Clayton”

Theodore Jerome Cohen Wins Flash Fiction Challenge

Theodore Jerome Cohen is the Readers’ Choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. The winning entry is decided by the popular vote and rewarded with a special feature here today. (In the case of a tie, the writer who submitted an entry first is the winner per our rules.) Without further ado, here’s the winning story:

Continue reading “Theodore Jerome Cohen Wins Flash Fiction Challenge”