Show us your stuff!

Would you like to submit a guest post, sneak peek or book video trailer to appear on Indies Unlimited? Check out our Submissions guidelines and query us through the contact page. Or you can call our assistant Jenny at 867-5309. I don’t recommend that though. Evidently she’s been getting a lot of crank calls and it has made her a little edgy.

As far as guest posts go, we are particularly interested in well-written content for our features Story Time, Airing of Grievances, Rhyme or Reason, and Getting it Right. This is a chance for you to show off your writing chops to a vast new audience.

Story Time: The Woman Who Gave Juice To The Roofers

Author Elisavietta Ritchie

By Elisavietta Ritchie

She is large, fair and buxom and nobody asks her age. Some from a distance guess forty, biographers hint at more. But why she bothers to carry a thermos heavy with ice and juice from her attic apartment down four flights of stairs to the foot of ladders surrounded by splintered wood, cracked tiles, tarpaper torn into trapezoids, bent rusted nails, twisted-off gutters too full of holes to hold more than last year’s maple leaves —

Not even her building. The brick one across the alley. The roofs are on par, and since her windows are raised, they share their orchestrations of crowbars, hammers, buzz saws, planks clanging, while she spins back Aida, Traviata, Forza del Destino.

Now she waits while they lower a rope five flights down. Might they lift her like a wired angel up to their heights? Continue reading “Story Time: The Woman Who Gave Juice To The Roofers”

Video Trailer: Amira, Immortal Daughter from Penglai

Today we have the video trailer for author Lon Dee’s young adult fantasy novel, Amira, Immortal Daughter from Penglai:

Leaving a lonely existence on the mythical island of Penglai, young immortal Amira enters the mortal world and struggles to understand and trust others. Are they befriending her because they need her help, or because of her beauty, or do they truly care for her? Can she trust and love a young mortal man, or is he deceiving her? Caught in a battle between well-organized bandits and the residents of a peaceful valley, she ultimately must decide if she’s willing to risk her own destruction to save those who’ve befriended her.

Amira, Immortal Daughter from Penglai is available from

Sneak Peek: The God Hater: Discovering Life After Death

Today we have a sneak peek from the book by Rebecca Dinsmore and Allison Althauser entitled, The God Hater: Discovering Life After Death:

The God HaterWhat do you do when the worst that can happen to you, happens?

Bekki Dinsmore was a passionate wife of thirty years, a loving mother of two sons, a gifted counselor and teacher, and a strong woman of faith. But when tragedy destroys life as she knows it, Bekki is forced onto a long road of brokenness and grief.

Experience firsthand her true story and compelling struggle of survival in the unknown, and the challenges of healing through suffering. Bekki embarks on a determined search for wholeness, while defying the source of her wound, only to find she has failed her way into surrender. As her foundational beliefs in God are shattered, she chooses to face the One who allowed her deep sorrow.

The God Hater is an uncensored glimpse into one woman’s journey toward discovering hope within despair, trust beyond betrayal, and ultimately – life after death.

The God Hater: Discovering Life After Death is available on for Kindle and in print at Continue reading “Sneak Peek: The God Hater: Discovering Life After Death”