Indies Unlimited has deactivated our subscription feature. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes for those of you who relied on it as an easy way to keep tabs on the many posts and discussions on the site. We were notified by our host serving company that we had been reported for spamming people with unsolicited e-mails. The only people receiving the e-mails were the people who had chosen to subscribe. The subscription feature was fully automated to send notifications according to what the subscriber had checked.
Evidently, some people couldn’t figure out how to unsubscribe. The back-end controls on the subscription feature were basically on/off. As administrators, Kat and I did not have the ability to fine-tune a subscriber’s notifications. When we received a request to unsubscribe someone, we always did so immediately.
Anyway, you know where we are, and we hope you will continue come by and visit. When and if we implement a new subscription feature, we will let you know. Meanwhile, if you know of any plug-ins compatible with WordPress version 3.2.1 which clearly allow for an opt-out (or unsubscribe) in the emails, please feel free to let us know in the comments below. And thank you for your patience.