The Indies Unlimited Bookstore – books and more!

The Indies Unlimited Bookstore showcases the titles of many authors featured here on the site. But, did you know if you are in the market for a new Kindle, reading light, or other accessories, you can also buy those through the bookstore? Are you in the UK? No worries! We’ve got you covered there as well with our UK Bookstore.

So check it out. Browse around and if there’s something you’d like that we don’t carry, we’re always open to your comments and questions.

All Hail the Evil Mastermind…

Shark with frikkin laser beamIt’s the Evil Mastermind’s birthday. Please join us in sending birthday wishes his way (because if he’s in a good mood, we get more gruel). In fact, if you can send those wishes on the backs of fifty dollar bills, that’d be even better.

Last October, our Evil Mastermind single-handedly launched Indies Unlimited, and within six months it became a multi-national, multi-author, nuclear-powered death-star of a blog, and a finalist in the Independent Book Blogger Awards. Not too shabby, eh?

Unlike other evil conglomerates, we pulled strings and got our Evil Mastermind what he wanted for his birthday…

So, have another scoop of gruel and a glass of Kool-Aid, and All Hail the Evil Mastermind!


New Release: Tangent, by Mike Pomeroy

Mike Pomeroy is pleased to announce the release of his newest novel.

Tangent is a story of Alan; a man who travels back into our present era from the not-too-distant future.

More than most time-travel stories; Tangent has a strong literary flavor and lovingly explores the strange rituals of modern life. Alan encounters many interesting characters who all serve, in one way or another, to unlock the mystery of his fate. Tangent also explores our perception of reality and the struggle to gain solidarity and peace in a world governed by quiet subversion and unchecked greed.

The reader is left to ponder the possibilities that Alan discovers through the course of the novel.

“Tangent is a politically-charged, time-bending, dystopian view of the distant and not too distant future.” -Kevin Godbee,

This title is available from Amazon US and Amazon UK.

What Can Indies Unlimited Do for You?


We indie authors need all the help we can get to spread the word about our writing. We don’t have an army of agents and publicists at our disposal. We don’t have a big publishing house pushing our books onto the front shelves of every remaining brick and mortar store in the world.

Still, we don’t have to bear the burden alone – we have each other. We use social media to build networks and connections. We learn from each other and we teach each other. We help each other.

I established Indies Unlimited for the express purpose of helping indie authors. We provide a number of different types of features that can showcase you and your writing (e.g., interviews, guest posts, sneak-peeks, video book trailers, etc.). Many of the features are free. We also offer low-cost promotion. We get a ton of page views here and that number is trending consistently upward. The exposure you get here can be very beneficial to you.

If you are interested in participating, you can get more information on the submissions page. Please use the contact form to make queries.