Announcements on Indies Unlimited

We receive frequent requests to post announcements on Indies Unlimited. From among these, we try to select those we feel may be of interest to the indie author community. We have limited slots available for such announcements and work hard to try to bring a good balance of information, entertainment, writing exercises,  and social media growth opportunity.

It would be impossible to dedicate enough staff time to verify the substance and legitimacy of all the announcements of contests, services, charity activities and events of which we are informed. While we are happy to post these announcements when we can, we strongly urge that, as in all matters financial, the prospective consumer perform the proper due diligence to make an appropriately informed decision. Please note that for this reason, such announcements are run with a disclaimer that reflects our policy. The disclaimer is not intended to impugn the entity or person for whom the announcement is run, but to make clear that Indies Unlimited does not grant any sort of imprimatur simply by virtue of posting the information.

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Indie Spirit: Renee Pierce Williams

Author Renee Pierce Williams

Indies Unlimited wishes to extend a warm thanks for a particularly generous donation by fellow indie author Renee Pierce Williams. Renee made her donation through the PayPal button at the bottom of the left sidebar on the main page.

She wrote, “I have scoured the internet looking for sites that offer insight, in’s and out’s and do’s and dont’s for first-time authors. Luckily I stumbled upon you guys!”

We are glad you did too Renee, and we are glad you find value in the information provided here on Indies Unlimited. We think your generosity makes you an outstanding example of the spirit of mutual support in the indie author community.

Renee owns and operates Animates, an in-home pet care business she started in 2002. Her love for animals began at a very early age. Throughout her life, she has raised and cared for all types of animals, large and small. She began showing horses at around age twelve. She joined the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) in 1998 and began showing professionally. Her book is Buck the Good Doog:

This book is a perfect choice for children and animal lovers at any age.

“Buck the Good Doog” is based on a true story about a beloved collie growing up on a farm. With hand-painted illustrations by the author’s daughter, children will learn about the collie’s breed instincts and their unwavering loyalty.

Renee lives in Midland, Georgia, with her husband Bill; her daughter Shelby; two horses, Sparky’s Lucky Andy (Andy) and Intangible Jet (Floyd); two birds, Dolly and Miss Poof; and a dog, Dobby.

You may visit the Renee Pierce Williams – Author Facebook page at or her website for more information and photographs of animals featured in this book.

Promote Your Work on Indies Unlimited

Indies Unlimited is dedicated to celebrating, informing, and promoting indie authors. This site provides a platform that can increase your exposure and introduce your work to new readers. The array of free features includes announcements, video trailers, guest posts, “sneak-peek” book excerpts, Freebie Fridays, Story Time features, our weekly flash fiction competitions, and author interviews. The submissions guidelines are explained in detail on the Submissions Page. Authors who participate in these features will also have their books showcased in the IU store for one month.

We also offer a wide choice of affordable promotional packages for authors and service providers.

Indies Unlimited Adds Kathy Rowe to the Roster

Author Kathy Rowe

We are pleased to announce that author Kathy Rowe has been added to the staff here at Indies Unlimited. Kathy is a prolific multi-genre author who has been writing for more than twenty years. She also has more than twenty years of active military service to her credit. She has been stationed at various bases around the U.S.A. and in Europe. Even more important than her military experience is the fact that she is also a farm girl. This unique combination of military experience and farming acumen makes her the perfect choice to help with my tractor beam.

Kathy now lives in eastern Kentucky with her husband, two dogs, two cats, and three horses on a 100 acre farm. She does her best to juggle farm chores, haymaking, writing, book formatting, and animal care into her busy day. Once in a while she gets to go fishing or take a nice walk by the creek. If it would ever stop raining, she’d like to saddle up once in a while and go for a ride. She loves interacting with her fans, and appreciates all reviews and feedback.

You can find more information in her Blog, Facebook Page, Twitter, and Amazon Author’s page.

More important than all this though, is this special announcement:

Today is Kathy Rowe’s Birthday!

So wish her a happy birthday and welcome her aboard. Somebody cut the cake while I run downstairs to look for another set of keyboard manacles.