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New Edition

An editorial service for writers, especially beginners. Low rates.



Steady Hand Communications

Freelance: articles, ghostwriting, SEO content. Original writing. Fast turn-around.



Rosanne Dingli

Rosanne Dingli

Rosanne Dingli edits and formats for paperback and ebook. She has good industry experience and happy clients.



Laurie Boris

Copyediting and proofreading. Free beta reads and sample edits. Reasonable rates.



Be Write There

Providing people-focused proofreading, editing and copywriting services at flexible rates.


Jim Devitt

Freelancer specializing in healthcare articles, Sales/Marketing, Social Media, copywriting, SEO. Contact for quotes.


Krista Tibbs Joins the Staff of Indies Unlimited

Author Photo - Krista Tibbs
Author Krista Tibbs

Going down the checklist of my burgeoning army of evil minion special skills the other day, I noticed a few boxes remained unchecked. Among those skills still required were neuroscience and swing dancing. I know, you’re thinking neuroscience and swing dancing? Let me assure you that even something as seemingly ordinary as neuroscience can be useful under the right circumstances to an evil mastermind.

Along comes Krista Tibbs, and without boring you with the details of who slipped what into whose drink, I am pleased to announce we have added Krista to the team here at Indies Unlimited.

Krista Tibbs was on her way to a writing career when she published her first story about somersaults then landed a weekly newspaper article, “Junior Hi-Lites”. She was derailed by studying neuroscience at MIT and spiraled into a decade of clinical research and a swing dance habit. After rehabilitation through business school, her writing hit a fever pitch with such critically acclaimed projects as “Performance and Management Assessments” for the Federal Budget and “Return on Investment Report”.

Krista kept her fiction stories secret for years until publishing her first novel, The Neurology of Angels, which earned an honorable mention in the DIY Book Festival. She is currently finishing a collaboration on an illustrated book of animals stories for grown-ups. You can read more from Krista on her blog, shadesofwhitematter.com, where there might be math and science, but there will also be kittens.

Please give Krista a warm Indies Unlimited welcome.

Show us your stuff!

Would you like to submit a guest post, sneak peek or book video trailer to appear on Indies Unlimited? Check out our Submissions guidelines and query us through the contact page. Or you can call our assistant Jenny at 867-5309. I don’t recommend that though. Evidently she’s been getting a lot of crank calls and it has made her a little edgy.

As far as guest posts go, we are particularly interested in well-written content for our features Story Time, Airing of Grievances, Rhyme or Reason, and Getting it Right. This is a chance for you to show off your writing chops to a vast new audience.

Goodreads Giveaway – Pure Blood by Melissa Pearl

Pure BloodIn celebration of the paperback release of Pure Blood, Goodreads is hosting an international giveaway with two paperback copies of of the young adult paranormal book up for grabs. Pure Blood is the third installment of The Time Spirit Trilogy and brings the series to a close with a nail biting finish.

Deception lurks around every corner as Gemma and Harrison discover the truth about his past. Fixing a mistake from years earlier will start a chain reaction that could bring an end to their relationship. As the danger mounts, Gemma must decide if she has the courage to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the ones she loves and stop to her parents’ destructive plans.

“Wow! Melissa Pearl is a mad genius, a master at her craft, and this remarkable author has successfully left me with my jaw on the ground… I’m at a loss for how to express how much The Time Spirit Books have meant to me and how sad I am to see this trilogy end. ” – Carole McKenzie – YA Book Reviewer – http://thelifeoffiction.blogspot.com

If you’d like the chance to win a copy, please check out Goodreads and enter the giveaway. You have until May 31st.

Good luck!!