Gearing Up for the Holidays, Indies Unlimited Style

Happy Cyber-Monday, holiday shoppers. Once again, it is that special time of year when we show others how much we care by buying them useful items like Snuggies for their Chia Pets, or possibly something even more stupid.

Yeah. Sometimes things that seem like a good idea at the time don’t really work out all that well. Why take chances? Be a holiday hero. Make Indies Unlimited your one-stop shopping destination. Give the gifts you know they’ll love: Indies Unlimited gear! Continue reading “Gearing Up for the Holidays, Indies Unlimited Style”

IU Black Friday Reading Room

Back from the hustle and bustle of Black Friday shopping? Tired of stepping over the bodies of fallen shoppers to wrestle with someone for the last Schmoopie Doll? Are your eyes still burning from an encounter with an overly-aggressive perfume-slinger?

Welcome to the Indies Unlimited Reading Room. Here, you will find a stress-free browsing experience. We are excited to share with you the latest releases by the talented staff at Indies Unlimited.

Books make excellent gifts – well, maybe not for someone whose first choice is a robot. Still, you could always get them a book on how to build a robot! (Note to self: write book about how to build your own robot.)

Anyway, you are sure to find something just right for that hard-to-please person on your holiday shopping list! So, browse away. If you’d like to know more, click the cover image and internet massage therapists will escort you to the Amazon page for the book.

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Continue reading “IU Black Friday Reading Room”

Thank You!

Whether you celebrate the American tradition of Thanksgiving or not, it is a good idea to stop once in a while and reflect upon the things in life for which you are thankful.

We are thankful for all of you – our friends, fans, and virtual families.

Thanks for stopping by here on your all-too-busy days. Thanks for sharing our posts with your friends and acquaintances. Thanks for  sharing your expertise and experience in wonderful guest posts and thoughtful commentary. Thanks for your support with donations, buying promotional services, gear, and books. Thanks for making Indies Unlimited such a cool place.

For those of you who do celebrate, we wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving day. Enjoy your repast. Get some good rest. You’ll need it. Tomorrow is Black Friday!

Another New Indies Unlimited Release!

FREE TODAY!!!  We are pleased to announce the release of the latest title in the indispensable Indies Unlimited collection:Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital World Volume II.

Today, everyone is online: from your grandmother to your five-year-old nephew. The most effective way to keep in touch, and to market a business on a small budget, is via the Internet.

But the Internet can be intimidating to many, especially folks who didn’t grow up with a computer attached to them.

In the Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital World Series, Indies Unlimited aims to take the scariness out of being online for newbies, and hopes to help those with more experience expand their Web footprint, whether it’s for personal use or product marketing.

Written in easy to understand language, Volume II of this series offers over ninety (90) tutorials, tips, and introductions to basics, such as capturing a URL, to how to make an animated GIF. For those who are more comfortable with their online presence, materials range from how to use Pinterest for marketing, to how to build a static website in WordPress, and many others. And, there is an entire section dedicated to authors which includes articles on book formatting, book promotion, and more.

Don’t be left behind in the dust of technology. The experts at Indies Unlimited are here to help.

Compiled and edited by K.S. Brooks, foreword by Stephen Hise. Written by K.S. Brooks, Melissa Bowersock, Lynne Cantwell, Martin Crosbie, Al Kunz, Rich Meyer, Carolyn Steele, Krista Tibbs, and Carol Wyer.

In Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital World Volume II is now available on, Amazon UK, and all Amazon stores worldwide. It’s free today, so hurry up and grab yours!

Don’t forget about Volume I which is available from Amazon US, Smashwords, and Amazon UK. Don’t be the last person on the planet without one.