You Tell Us…

The talented and underfed staff at Indies Unlimited cuts a wide swath through subjects of interest to our readers, but that doesn’t mean we have covered every topic imaginable or of interest to you.

Sure, we could continue to use our amazing mental powers to divine your areas of interest; or we could just ask you what you’d like to see addressed. That’s the whole point of our reader request feature, You Asked For It.

What’s on your mind? What issues, areas, controversies, tutorials, surveys would you like to see IU undertake? Our staff will divvy up the requests and hand-craft posts to tackle the questions asked.

Flash Fiction Star of the Week:
SP Mount

Congratulations to SP Mount, the readers’ choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. Thanks also to everyone who participated – excellent entries!

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Without further ado, here’s the winning entry:

Continue reading “Flash Fiction Star of the Week:
SP Mount”

The First-Ever IU Flash Fiction Anthology

Originally conceptualized to be the first digital coffee table book, the Indies Unlimited 2012 Flash Fiction Anthology was redesigned after we realized nobody had yet invented digital coffee tables.

The good news is that you don’t have to own a coffee table (digital or otherwise) to get your hands on this outstanding collection of works from flash fiction all-stars.

Photographs by K. S. Brooks. Prompts by Stephen Hise. Authors with stories in the anthology include: David Antrobus, Gabrielle Baer, Brian Beam, Robert K. Blechman, Laurie Boris, William C. Busch, Sandra Campbell, Lynne Cantwell, Kent Chapman, Ed Drury, E.J. Fechenda, Terveen Gill, Yvonne Hertzberger, Jacqueline Hopkins, Chris James, Jerriann Law, Bob Lock, Pam Logan, Monica Baguchinsky Lunn, JD Mader, Brianna Lee McKenzie, Teirrah McNair, Donna B. McNicol, Rich Meyer, SP Mount, J. L. Murray, Stephanie Myers, Angela Rigley, Betsy Riley, Marc Emile Samuel, Irina Serban, Shiri Sondheimer, Dianna Stover, Krista Tibbs, Dick C. Waters, Sally Whitney, Renee Pierce Williams, and Carol Wyer.

The Indies Unlimited 2012 Flash Fiction Anthology is AVAILABLE NOW at Amazon for the outrageously low price of 99 cents. Don’t be the last kid on the block to get one!

Arthur S. Hasley, Jr. Announces New Title

Author Arthur S. Hasley, Jr. is pleased to announce the release of his new paranormal noir short story, The Dreamreapers.

Geoffrey Manner has seen them. Flashers, most of them women, who appear right in public and end up haunting their victims. Where are they coming from and what are they after? They are dreamreapers, part of a cosmic occult organization, and Arthur Munfrey is called to investigate. Only he knows the score — but can he stop them in time?

The Dreamreapers was released on December 2, 2012 by Agency Publications and is currently available from and Amazon UK.