New Gear for the New Year

As we move forward into the new year, don’t forget you’ll want to be fashion-forward as well. Indies Unlimited gear is what all the cool kids will be sporting this year. We have shirts, mugs, notebooks, mouse pads, bags, buttons, key chains and more!

This year, we’ve added the Grow Your Dot line of products as well as the very impressive Pompous Ass Publishing seal.


Helping Hands

Some things never change. Need is ever-present and tragedy abundant. I am always struck by the great hearts of indie authors who rally to help others.

The instances of indie authors stepping forward to help others in times of pain and suffering are too numerous to mention in the span of a single post. Here are three great examples of active leadership: Continue reading “Helping Hands”

David Antrobus Announces New Title

Author David Antrobus is happy to announce the release of his new non-fiction satire book, Endless Joke.

Endless Joke is a collection of essays. It’s funny. It’s irritating. It’s the book you never realised you needed. But you do. If you want to stay safe (not to mention sane) between the twists and turns and death throes of the old publishing monster and the anarchic new killing fields of epublishing, this book will help in that regard. Often wearing its sometimes snarky heart on its sleeve, a lifetime’s love of the written word fills its pages. In short, it’s composed of equal parts passion, humour, angst and a kind of bewildered, contemplative awe.

Endless Joke was released in October 2012 and is available on, Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble.

Smashwords Sunday: 2012 is History

2012 is about to be history and what better way to celebrate than reading a little history ourselves? Here is a selection of historical titles from Mark Coker’s Smashwords. Remember, Smashwords is your alternative to mighty Joe Amazon. As an independent author himself, Coker relates to the trials and tribulations of the indie in a way that eludes Amazon, so let’s show him a little support!

If you have a historical title we missed, feel free to put your Smashwords link in the comment section below.

Just click the covers to take a look or buy the book!


Continue reading “Smashwords Sunday: 2012 is History”