Writer’s block impedes the best of us. Life, circumstances, lack of sleep, or an uncooperative brain create slumps in my writing productivity frequently. When the situation gets really bad, not one of my three or more projects grabs my interest. At those times, I work through my list of tactics, hoping one of them will renew the creative spark. Here are my favorites.
1) Read, read, read and read some more – The written word inspires. Well written books, contain insights into the craft. A well-turned phrase, flowing description, or poignant moment between characters demonstrates so much more than the best self-help book. Read the masters, the best sellers, and the authors excelling in the genre you wish to master. Enjoy and analyze. Why does a specific phrase stir you? What is it that catches your attention? How do they build the suspense or craft the hook? Continue reading “Working Through Writer’s Block by Rachel Rossano”