Fuel-Efficient Productivity for Writers Part 2

too many notebooks for author organization
Photo courtesy of Rants of the Archer

Yesterday, I said that I’d found a better way to keep a combination writer’s notebook and Capture Device (from GTD.) A way so simple, so elegant, so fuel-efficient that I can envision myself using it for years to come. I found the method on Pinterest. It’s detailed in this article in the English-language version of The Tokyo Times, which says:

This little useful hack was taught in Japan but it’s a bit messy. Also, it’s something most people will not find themselves doing all the time, but it may come in handy for the right subject. Continue reading “Fuel-Efficient Productivity for Writers Part 2”

Create a Book Trailer Using Microsoft Office’s PowerPoint

Movie Clapper BoardYes, some authors are still making video trailers – it’s just one more way to get word out about your books (*ahem* you know it’s all about effective frequency). Here at Indies Unlimited, we’ve got an entire resource page dedicated to trailers. We even have a video trailer-fest from time-to-time. So yes, the video trailer is still going strong. Yet – one of the most overlooked tools for making a book trailer is Microsoft Office: PowerPoint. Stick with me, and I’ll show you how easy it is. Continue reading “Create a Book Trailer Using Microsoft Office’s PowerPoint”

Book Covers Like a Pro

book cover pro logoShow of hands: how many of you have a fantastic idea for your new book’s cover, but can’t figure out how to create it, and you don’t want to pay a fortune for someone to do it? If you have $95 in your pocket, you can become a book cover wizard. No, this isn’t a sales pitch, it’s a short ditty on how you can master your own cover creation with Book Cover Pro.

When I was about to publish my second novel, I looked into having someone do the full paperback cover art for me. Yeah, I didn’t have $1,500 to burn, so I went with the build-it-yourself templates on CreateSpace. Yes, the cover came out okay, but I truly wasn’t happy with it; so I started searching the Internet for software dedicated to cover creation. Continue reading “Book Covers Like a Pro”

Tutorial: Uploading to Createspace’s Cover Creator

createspace logoToday I’ll show you how to upload your custom book cover using Createspace’s Cover Creator. First, you will have to have a design already made. If you’re using MS Publisher, we’ve got a tutorial for making your own book cover here. The same principles apply for print covers – just choose the size you need and landscape mode. If you don’t already have a design, take a look at the screen captures in this tutorial; they will give you a pretty good idea of what you’ll need to do before you start creating your awesome book cover. This tutorial will of course work for any size cover, but today, we’re working with one that is 6×9. Not sure what cover print book you should use? Laurie Boris asked readers what size book was best in this article.

Before we get started, here are a few hints for you: Continue reading “Tutorial: Uploading to Createspace’s Cover Creator”