Since this is still running rampant amongst author pages, I felt it was a good time to re-run this post. One of the most common…flubs, for lack of a better word…that I see is a Facebook author page with a discombobulated URL. I must see at least one or two a day. “Come check out my page!” they’ll say to me, presenting me with a link that looks like Hey, Judy, guess what? No one’s going to remember how to get to your author page with a link like that. Continue reading “Tuesday Tutorial – Facebook URLs Revisited”
Category: Tutorials
How-to articles for writers.
Have others promote your book – How to get Reviews
Fellow Indies Unlimited Minion Ed McNally had a great post the other day about self-promotion. We all hate it, but it is a necessary evil. I want to shift gears a bit from where Ed led us and examine a method to allow others to promote us—reviews. Reviews are more important than just getting feedback about your book. It’s common knowledge that Amazon figures reviews in their ranking system. So the more reviews you have, the better ranked your book could be.
Please stay with me until the end of the post where I’ll divulge a super million dollar secret for book promotions (I’m not selling anything, just in case this sounded like an infomercial.) Okay, maybe not a million dollars, but it sure helps.
Reviews are one of the best methods to generate buzz about your book, without you being the one shouting from the rooftops. We’ve all spent countless conversations begging our friends and relatives to “post a review, please!” It’s frustrating and many times, a fruitless endeavor. So, how do we go about getting reviews? Continue reading “Have others promote your book – How to get Reviews”
Tutorial Tuesday – Klout?
Let me start off by saying I am not an expert in Klout. In fact, the more I look at it, the more I question its usefulness. That is my personal observation and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of IU Management, if they in fact have one. Anyone feeling differently is welcome to educate me in the comment section below.
This past Saturday, our Jim Devitt wrote an informative post about Klout. If you missed it, you can read it here. Jim did a great job covering the basics, so I’m not going to go over those again. I will give you, however a couple of tips on how to give someone a +K rating, and how to list them as an “influencer.” Continue reading “Tutorial Tuesday – Klout?”
LinkedIn Profile Tip – Links
This past Sunday, Rosanne Dingli explained why authors and businesspeople should be on LinkedIn. You can read her article here. Once you’re on LinkedIn, there are a couple of things you can do to get better exposure. The method many people agree has the most impact is the “links” section.
In the screen capture to the left, you can see at the very bottom there is a heading called “Websites.” This is where LinkedIn allows you to supply a maximum of three external links. Many people just put in their http address and leave it at that. But LinkedIn allows you to do something even better – actually describe where the link goes – so there isn’t a bunch of ugly html sitting on your profile and people have a clue what they’re clicking. Continue reading “LinkedIn Profile Tip – Links”