Dare to Bare (all!)

Where is the centerfold?

Like many authors, I spend huge amounts of time on-line building up a strong network, getting ‘likes’ for my Facebook page, attracting followers, reading up and producing profiles on Amazon, Linkedin, GoodReads and many other sites.

I have networked so much that my typing fingers have gone stiff, my eyes hurt and I require a cushion to support my back. However, it’s what we do to get recognition and sales. You need to be ‘out there’. You need to be making your presence felt, getting people to notice you and here at Indies Unlimited we have many opportunities to help you improve your social networking skills. I have taken advantage of them all. I religiously work through each tutorial and the results are impressive.

Having now spent the best part of three years promoting my books, I have finally discovered something very valuable that I wish to share with you. To get noticed or ‘ahead of the game’ you need more than all of this. You need to be different. You need to stand out from all the hundreds of thousands of other authors there are also vying for reader’s attention. Continue reading “Dare to Bare (all!)”

Lynne Cantwell Announces New Release

FissuredAuthor Lynne Cantwell is pleased to announce the release of her new book, Fissured: Book Two of the Pipe Woman Chronicles.

If anything can go wrong…

Naomi’s having a bad week. She’s already overwhelmed by setting up her solo mediation practice and second-guessing her relationship with Joseph. An old acquaintance seems to be setting up shop down the road from their friend Charlie’s ranch. And Charlie has a new pal: a filmmaker who might be the Investigator – except that he doesn’t exactly believe in teamwork.

Then a jaguar attacks her in downtown Denver….

Fissured: Book Two of the Pipe Woman Chronicles was released on June 2012 by Catapult Press. It is available on Amazon.com, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords as an e-book.

Sneak Peek: The Cobb Legacy

The Cobb LegacyToday, we feature a sneak peek of J. Conrad Guest’s mystery/romance, The Cobb Legacy.

Cagney Nowak is writing a novel around the 1905 shooting death of baseball legend Ty Cobb’s father, William, by his mother. Town gossip had it that Amanda Cobb was having an affair and that William, returned early from a business trip to catch her with her lover. The questions were never raised as to why she had locked her second story window on a hot August night, or why she’d shot twice. When Cagney begins to relive the night of the shooting in his dreams, more than a century later and in the guise of Amanda Cobb, he is led to discover his father’s deepest secret.

The Cobb Legacy is available through Amazon.com, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, and other online stores.

Here is an excerpt from The Cobb Legacy: Continue reading “Sneak Peek: The Cobb Legacy”

Indies Unlimited Reading Room

Indies Unlimited has a staff consisting of some of the finest indie writers in the field. Each is not only an excellent writer, but also has excellent standing in the indie community as a leader and champion of the indie cause.

One of the ways to hone your writing craft is to read and analyze the books of others.  In the Indies Unlimited Reading Room, we’ll feature select titles from a few of our all-star staff. You know all our authors from the informative and entertaining articles they write here. Perhaps you’d like to see for yourself just what kind of firepower the IU staff brings. Continue reading “Indies Unlimited Reading Room”