Readers Digest UK 100 Word Competition

Readers Digest UK’s  100-word story competition was such a hit when they launched it last year that they’ve decided to do it all over again.

How to enter

▪  Send your stories—which should be original, unpublished and exactly 100 words long—to [email protected] by January 31, 2012.

▪  There are three categories—one for adults, and two schools’ categories: one for children aged 12–18, and one for children under 12.

▪  In the adult category, the entry voted best by our panel of judges will each receive £1,000, and two runners-up will receive £100 in book tokens.

▪  In each of the school categories, the prize for the winner is £500 of high-street vouchers of their choice, and £500 for their school. Mark each entry either “Adults”, “Schools 12–18 category” or “Schools under-12 category”. Winning entries will be published in a future issue.

For more information:

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Indies Unlimited is pleased to provide this contest information for the convenience of our readers.  We do not, however, endorse this or any contest/competition.  Entrants should always research a competition prior to entering.

Marketing by Indie Authors: A Blogger’s Opinions by Ritesh Kala

Blogger/Reviewer Ritesh Kala
Blogger/Reviewer Ritesh Kala

I started blogging recently and posting my book reviews online. I have come in contact with lots of authors through a number of online websites and social networks. Through these interactions, I have seen authors trying everything they can to promote their books. While some of these things have appealed to me as a blogger as well as a reader, others have fallen short of really grabbing my attention, and there are still others which have left me seething in anger. The following is a list of what I find most successful to get my attention from my perspective. Continue reading “Marketing by Indie Authors: A Blogger’s Opinions by Ritesh Kala”

Sneak Peek: Richard Hale’s “Near Death”

Today, we get a sneak peek of author Richard C. Hale’s thriller, Near Death:

For Jake Townsend, the loss was shattering. And every night for the past two years, he has relived the horror of what happened. The moonless night. The piercing screams. The horrific crash. The night his wife was taken from him. The last time he saw her alive.

Everyone tells him to move on. But for Jake, there can be no closure. A message appears in his dreams—a warning he is reluctant to heed.

The omens ignored, Jake finds himself caught between the desire to see his beloved wife again and disrupting the delicate balance of life and death. The technology he developed has shown him the path, and others will do anything to use it, but at what price?

He must choose, and the consequences may ultimately shatter his world.

Near Death is available from Amazon. Learn more about Richard C. Hale and his writing from his blog. Continue reading “Sneak Peek: Richard Hale’s “Near Death””

To KDP or Not to KDP – by Valerie Douglas

Author Valerie Douglas

To KDP or not to KDP, that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to deny or accept the corporate monster… And there are some who do believe Amazon is a corporate monster. Certainly the Big Six (or five) publishers aren’t too happy with them right now. But I’ve lived long enough to know that change is the only constant. There was a day not too long ago when they were predicting that Amazon would never work and the Big Six were the only way to get published.

What many people don’t see is that there is competition. Barnes & Noble is pushing into the e-reader and e-book fray, although still in small numbers. In the UK an ex-exec with Waterstones is developing an e-reader over there, Kobo has just been purchased by Rakutan, the of Japan and sooner or later the traditional publishers are going to realize it’s change or die. Continue reading “To KDP or Not to KDP – by Valerie Douglas”