Welcome to Indies Unlimited!

[This is a golden oldie—the very first post on Indies Unlimited.] Welcome one and all to Indies Unlimited, a blog for independent authors and independent readers. The people have spoken. Nearly one percent of my Facebook fans (as well as some guy I met at a diner) all felt very strongly that I should start … Continue reading “Welcome to Indies Unlimited!”

Gender Bender Again…

Our L.A. Lewandowski is taking the week off to finish her new manuscript. So here is an audience favorite to satisfy your L.A.L. jonesing for this week:  Gender Bender. And now for something completely different. Am I really who I say I am? None of you have ever met me. Am I a creation of … Continue reading “Gender Bender Again…”

A Matter of Perspective

Writer.   That word looks so lonely. Every author has heard the proverbial, “Writing is the loneliest profession.” Really. We spend countless hours in front of the keyboard, with our imaginary and sometimes not so imaginary friends. Think about it, if you write 750 words per hour (a decent clip, about what I average when … Continue reading “A Matter of Perspective”

How my story ends—or doesn’t by Carol Wyer

Recently, I gave an interview on The Good Health Show with Dr David Friedman. It was a relaxed interview discussing the many ways we should try to accept getting older and appreciate who we are rather than battling the signs with face lifts and botox. It was a far cry from my first interview at … Continue reading “How my story ends—or doesn’t by Carol Wyer