What is Your Book About? by Krista Tibbs

One question I dread to hear is: What is your book about? I should be happy that someone is curious enough to ask, but in truth, it’s akin to that point in a job interview when a person says: Tell me about yourself. I want to point to my resume and say it’s all there, … Continue reading “What is Your Book About? by Krista Tibbs”

The little four track that could…

I’ve been writing and playing music for a long time. Half my life. The stuff I’m the most proud of is parceled up under the name The Flying Black Hats. When I was in my early twenties, my best friend Pat and I lived in the Mission in San Francisco. Neither of us wanted to … Continue reading “The little four track that could…”

How LinkedIn Can Change Your Life

When is a social network not a social network? Give up? I’ll tell you: when it’s a commercial, professional, academic, or business network, that’s when. LinkedIn is all these things and more. People do use it as a social forum, to interact – no doubt about it – but its main reason for existence is … Continue reading “How LinkedIn Can Change Your Life”

To outline, or not to outline – by Dean Lappi

To outline, or not to outline, that is the question When I’ve been interviewed, one of the common questions I get is – what type of writer am I? When starting a new book, do I plan it out with a full outline or do I just let it flow to see where the story … Continue reading “To outline, or not to outline – by Dean Lappi”