A Book Launch Tale: Planning with Abandon

author rb frankGuest Post
by R.B. Frank

When I planned my first book launch, ignorance is bliss worked just fine for me. Most people research a topic and make decisions with their accumulated information. Makes sense, right? Yeah, too much of anything is not a good thing (even wine). I got sucked into the vortex of blogs, twitter postings and online articles. Then I realized if I spent lots of time down the rabbit hole of internet links, my thoughts would never coalesce into a real plan for a book launch. I would forever research, vacillate and procrastinate with an ever-changing definition of a book launch and never jump in. Continue reading “A Book Launch Tale: Planning with Abandon”

The Local Book Launch

unnamedOn January 18th I held a launch party for the final book in the Earth’s Pendulum trilogy, The Dreamt Child. I think it was a success. You may decide if you agree with me when this is finished. No, no, you are not required to tell me where I messed up. It’s OK. Others already have. Just kidding.

As this was the third book, I have presumably learned a few things along the way. Now I’d like to share that vast wealth of knowledge with the rest of you. No, seriously I hope that this post will help some newbies get there more quickly than I did and possibly add some new thoughts for those who are on this same journey with me. Continue reading “The Local Book Launch”

“I’m coming out…!”

Book launches should be fun and an important part of your marketing strategy. If you have never held one before, stop being a shrinking violet and begin preparing for your first. Treat it like a proper “coming-out” party for your book and you’ll thoroughly enjoy it.


First, you need to write a guest list. I mean, actually sit down and write a guest list out, on paper. Treat it like a wedding invite list. (Don’t invite Uncle Trevor though. He got drunk at the last wedding and dribbled down Cousin Veronica’s blouse.) Knowing the names of people and how many you expect is the key to securing a venue and for ordering the correct number of books for the event. Put the guests into one of these three categories: Continue reading ““I’m coming out…!””