Seventeen-Year-Old Author Announces New Release

the scrolls of xavierSeventeen-year-old author John Ashley is pleased to announce the release of his new science-fiction/action-adventure novel: The Scrolls of Xavier.

In order to shed light upon the dangerous secrets of the vast, new planet, Xavier997, Captain Michael Dawn must go across its globe to recover five ancient artifacts whose purpose and creators are unknown. The path to these items is wrought with every danger Xavier can throw at him, including the primitive, yet cunning tribes of aliens that defend them. If he cannot overcome these challenges then the Scrolls will never be found.

Without the Scrolls, Xavier will be lost. With them, it might be even worse.

The Scrolls of Xavier was released on September 11, 2012 and is available from Amazon US, Amazon UKBarnes and Noble and Smashwords.

Elisabeth Grace Foley Announces New Release

The Silver Shawl Author Elisabeth Grace Foley is pleased to announce the release of her new historical mystery novelette: The Silver Shawl.

In a small town in turn-of-the-century Colorado, a young woman has disappeared from the boarding-house where she lives. Her distraught fiancé is certain that she must have been kidnapped. But the case takes a new turn when a city detective appears on the scene, looking for a woman who matches the description of the missing girl. Was Charity really kidnapped, or did she have a reason to flee? Mrs. Meade, a gentle but shrewd widow lady who lives across the hall in the boarding-house, feels that there is something wrong with the story of Charity’s disappearance…but can she unravel the mystery before it is too late?

The Silver Shawl was released on October 6, 2012 and is available from Amazon US, Amazon UKBarnes and Noble and Smashwords.

A Spooky New Release by K. Rowe

Just in time for Halloween, author K. Rowe is pleased to announce the release of her new supernatural thriller/horror book: The Hall.

After two years away from his home of Memphis, TN; wealthy book publisher, Marcus Bishop, arrives to find his beloved city a disaster. The economy is sagging, commerce failing, and buildings are being boarded up at an alarming rate.

One place in particular catches Marcus’s eye: An old castle-like structure situated in the Garden District. Once a resplendent mansion, Ashlar Hall now sits empty and destitute. Money and love alone can’t bring this building back from the brink; it will take Marcus’s soul to free the building from the ravages of time and the spirits that haunt it.

A philanthropist and lover of unique architecture, Marcus decides to buy Ashlar Hall and return it to its former glory. What he doesn’t realize is that included in the business transaction is a love-struck, jealous ghost who will stop at nothing to get Marcus into the afterlife.

The Hall is available from Amazon in print or Kindle format, Barnes and Noble (Nook), and Smashwords.

Melda Beaty Announces New Release

LimeAuthor Melda Beaty is pleased to announce the release of her new novel: Lime.

Fashion Week, cover of Vogue, haute couture fashion, international appearances, and product endorsements propel Lime Prince into Supermodel icon and temporarily away from the realities of her past. Her Ethiopian and Jamaican genes, accented with piercing lime green eyes and a runner’s physique, are the object of every man’s desire and take the New York fashion world by storm. But when the fantasies of beauty collide with the realities of domestic violence, will her sordid past shame her out of the glitz and glamour of the modeling world?

Lime was released on August 7, 2012 and is available from Amazon US and all Amazon channels.