What is … Realfastbooks.com?

Thank you for finding Indies Unlimited.

Here at IU, we do our best to provide helpful information to indie authors of all levels. Our goal is to provide the knowledge they need to make intelligent decisions about writing and publishing. We are not, however, a watchdog site, nor do we try to be. There are other sites out there, such as Writer Beware and Preditors and Editors, which dedicate their resources to identifying scammers.

It appears that Realfastbooks.com, realfastbook.com, and danielhallpresents.com have been removed from the internet. Whether or not these were scam sites is not up to us to say.

Despite all the efforts to make authors aware of predators looking to make money off of them, the best tool is actually knowing how to spot a scam. That knowledge will enable authors, no matter how often the scammer changes its name, to avoid being taken advantage of.

Thank you again for finding Indies Unlimited.

– The Admins

My KDP Debacle

After reading several IU posts on KDP Select, I decided to give it a try. The novel I used was going to be a re-release of my first book, Project: Dragonslayers.

I figured this was a good idea, since there are currently 2 more books in the series, and I also have a back catalog of other novels and a bunch of short stories. My thinking was if I gave this book away it should help drive sales of everything else. Yeah, right.

I enrolled my book 23 November. About a week later, Amazon sent me an email stating they had found the book on Sony. I explained that it was a first edition and that I had taken down all other versions (that I could find!). Their letter read: Continue reading “My KDP Debacle”

2013 in Preview

2012 is over and thank goodness—not exactly a prosperous year for many of us. For Christmas this year, I gave the grand-kids a couple of plastic scoops and told them the cat’s litter box was a buried treasure game. Not only were they disappointed, but it looks like I wasted a lot of time making the cat swallow all those nickels. Sigh.

But now it is time to look forward to the new year with my proprietary blend of hopeful optimism and innate revulsion at change. I have fired up the old crystal ball. Remember, I’m 90% right 50% of the time. Here is my list of predictions for the coming year: Continue reading “2013 in Preview”

Let’s Make A Deal

Imagine for a moment that a Big 6 publisher like Random Penguin, Simon, Garfunkel & Schuster, or Harley-Quinn comes knocking at your door. They want to add you to their select stable of published authors. You—yes, you—will now be among the anointed. All you have to do is take the deal. Just sign on the dotted line.

Don’t worry your pretty little head about the fine print. All that stuff about rights and royalties is for the lawyers to worry about. You do have an attorney versed in the specialized field of international copyright and intellectual property law don’t you? Well, never mind then. I’m sure the very reputable publishing firm had their top people go over the contract.

Let’s pull back the curtain and tell them what they’ve won, Johnny. Continue reading “Let’s Make A Deal”