Choices for Publishing: eBooks, Part One

publish buttonCongrats! You’ve finished your book! Your editor and beta readers have worked their magic, you have a kickass cover and an awesome blurb, and your ARC readers are ready to post their reviews as soon as you push the “do it” button and release your book.

The question is which “do it” button to use. The good news is that you don’t have to pick just one; you can mix and match, depending on how many ways you want readers to be able to buy your books. And the choice you make now doesn’t have to be your final answer; if your book isn’t performing on a particular platform, you can bail out and try something else.

But there are a few things to keep in mind when you’re making your initial choice. I’m going to cover eBook publishing options today, because I happen to think eBooks are quicker and easier than print. (Your mileage may vary, of course.) We’ll get to the options for dead-tree books later this month. Continue reading “Choices for Publishing: eBooks, Part One”

How I Sold 30,000 eBooks on Amazon’s Kindle July 2014 Edition

30000 books 2014 July How I Sold 30,000 eBooks on Amazon’s Kindle 2014 Edition
by Martin Crosbie
4.7 average rating from 61 reviews
Available from Amazon US and Amazon UK.

In February 2012 Martin Crosbie’s self-published eBook My Temporary Life hit Amazon’s top ten overall bestseller list. Amazon referred to him as one of their 2012 success stories in their year-end press release.

This easy-to-follow guidebook details the specific steps he took to find and connect with his readers. Plus, it describes how to adjust and tweak your strategy as Amazon changes their systems. There are a lot of self-publishing books out there. This is the one you’ve been waiting for.

Newly updated version includes:

  • How to maximize the return from your Kindle Countdown promotion
  • Lists of the current and most effective promotion sites (paid and free)
  • The secret to gain maximum borrows from Kindle Lending Library
  • Earn the most paid sales after running a free promotion.

The Good and the Bad of Being a First-Time Self-Published Author

Lorraine RegulyGuest post
by Lorraine Reguly

This post is for all you writers out there who have the dream of becoming a self-published author.

As a recent self-publisher, I wanted to share a few things – bad and good – about my experience. I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I did during my journey. I want you to easily attain your dream. Continue reading “The Good and the Bad of Being a First-Time Self-Published Author”

Amazon Forum Discussions

success_1405379462-150x150As authors and writers we are always on the lookout for more ways to bring eyes, and then buyers, to our work. Now, I don’t know about you but I don’t have hours and hours a day to spend on all the sites out there to try and find those elusive readers and buyers.

Recently, I had the pleasure of hosting a discussion on Amazon about my first book, Back From Chaos. It came about from another discussion held on Facebook with members of a group I belong to. When it was my turn, I decided that, instead of holding the discussion on Facebook, where only a few friends would see it, I would use the discussion feature on Amazon. It was surprisingly easy. Continue reading “Amazon Forum Discussions”