Banned Article: Behind the Scenes at Indies Unlimited

martins spy postStephen Hise and KS Brooks are off for the holidays so for once I’m able to submit an article without it being subject to their extreme vetting. This is the article you weren’t supposed to read. Finally I can tell the truth about what really happens here, and the rumors that have been circulating for months can be confirmed. So, please save this article on your hard drive. Once Hise and Brooks are back online denials like you haven’t heard since Rob Ford was caught on the pipe will be forthcoming. I guarantee you. Things happen here that will blow your mind, and even though we’re threatened, I mean told to “keep it all in the family”, I’m going to take a risk and break rank. Buckle up, here come the facts. Continue reading “Banned Article: Behind the Scenes at Indies Unlimited”

Travel Tips for Your Vacation

I am given to understand that vacations are not completely extinct in some sectors of society.

Presumably, there are people who still travel for pleasure, and may even take their families along.

For writers, the challenges are many. It can be difficult to leave our characters at home, since they live in our heads.

The writer inside you will still be on. You’ll see people doing things and you will look for ways to incorporate or adapt some of those things into your writing. You’ll hear new words and phrases and possibly an interesting patois. There will be quirky mannerisms or speech tics. The scenery and settings will go into a mental file for later retrieval and use.

And, of course, the resort you go to will probably be run by a colony of vampires, or you will be drawn into some global political intrigue, or have to solve a murder case. The usual stuff. Continue reading “Travel Tips for Your Vacation”

End of Book Depression Solved!

This past Friday, our Lynne Cantwell wrote a post about the Importance of Being Earnest or the Unbearable Lightness of Being Done or something like that, after writing an entire series of five books in one year. Show off. But now she’s feeling that post-partum depression. Well I could have told you that would happen.

There are many cures for this kind of thing, and I’m going to share them with you. Call your shrink and cancel that appointment. I’m saving you like 90 bucks by giving you this advice for free. You must be feeling a tad guilty over that – am I right? See? I know you just as well as your therapist, but without the inconvenient office visits. In any case, here are the top ten keys to preventing and avoiding end of book depression. Continue reading “End of Book Depression Solved!”

Love is in the air

[Indies Unlimited is brought to you in part by the Intergalactic Outreach and Probing Council.]

May is UFO Mating Month. It’s that special time of the year when the skies fill with the cosmic radiation of love.

Remember though, just because you might catch us with our “shields” down doesn’t mean it’s okay to shoot at us.

If you don’t want to watch, don’t look up. Party on!