Rediscovering the Joy of Reading

rediscovering books woman-309201_960_720In my most recent post, I wrote about my frustration with promotion and marketing and how it had taken a big bite out of the joy of writing. I gave myself permission to ignore that aspect of my life for the time being.

While that decision gave me a sense of relief, it did not, as I expected, allow me to plunge myself blissfully into those activities I had given up. Routines are difficult to break and I found myself staring at my keyboard, playing solitaire, and generally wasting time or frittering it away with activities that gave me none of the pleasure I had looked forward to. Continue reading “Rediscovering the Joy of Reading”

Writers: Pay Yourself First

author-paige-ambroziak-headshotGuest Post
by K. P. Ambroziak

When I was really young my father gave each of his four children a book. Now, it wasn’t a particularly good fit for a child. It wasn’t about adventures and heroes and queens or kings. Simply put, it was a book about finance. David Chilton’s The Wealthy Barber is essentially about how low- and middle-income earners may become financially independent. Though I read the book long ago, one particular piece of advice has stuck with me all these years. If you save ten percent of your income every year for the rest of your life, you will eventually be rich. Continue reading “Writers: Pay Yourself First”

Writing, Book Promotion, and Life: A Personal Decision

writing-and-knitting-needle-1169606_960_720This post is a very personal one, but also one that I think will resonate with other Indie authors.

For several months, now, I’ve been in a funk and having trouble figuring out why. I even thought of giving up writing entirely. Why? I looked at my life, how I spend my time, and realized that there seemed to be no time to do many of the things I used to enjoy, like knitting, sewing, and reading. At first I wanted to chalk it up to growing older. I don’t have the energy I used to. That depressed me.

I have always been a busy person and abhor just sitting around accomplishing nothing. Those last two words were the clue to my dilemma. I felt I was spinning my wheels and not seeing results. Continue reading “Writing, Book Promotion, and Life: A Personal Decision”

Technology Addiction: Five Steps to Unplug from the Digital World and Get Back to Writing

cut out technology and get back to writingAre you addicted? Did it start long ago with your “Crackberry?” You remember, people were running around with a “Blackberry” glued to their face. It was email — 24/7.

We had no idea what was coming.

Now it’s the smartphone — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email. Everything demands our attention. And, it’s not just our mobile device. You sit typing away at the laptop or desktop and you’re looking for that opportunity to check your email or look at updates on Facebook.

How do you know if you are addicted? Continue reading “Technology Addiction: Five Steps to Unplug from the Digital World and Get Back to Writing”