Book Brief |The Briton and the Dane : Timeline

TimelineThe Briton and the Dane: Timeline
by Mary Ann Bernal
Genre: Historical Romance, Drama, Fiction & Literature
Word count: 56,802
Available from Amazon.

Dr. Gwyneth Franger, a renowned expert in early medieval England, is set upon learning the truth about the death of Lord Erik, the last descendant of the powerful House of Wareham. Her quest becomes an obsession, a condition that began with the discovery of a portrait of the tall and valiant warrior. Digesting troves of mildewed scrolls and source documentation only enhances her belief that Lord Erik was brutally assassinated by a cabal of traitors in the pay of William the Bastard, shortly before the onslaught of the Norman Invasion.

On an archeological dig in Southern England, Dr. Franger finds herself transported back to the Dark Ages and at the side of the noble Lord Erik who commands an army of elite Saxon warriors. Witnessing the unrest firsthand, Gwyneth senses that her instincts had been right all along, and she is determined to learn the identities of the treacherous blackguards hiding in the shadows, villains who may well be posing as Lord Erik’s friends and counselors.

Gwyneth knows it is wrong to stop the assassins, but isn’t sure she can find the strength to walk away and watch her beloved Erik die. Will she intervene, change the course of history and wipe out an entire timeline to save the man she loves?

Mary Ann, how did you come up with the title for your book? 
The Briton and the Dane series title was gently given to me by my muse whilst sleeping. Yes, I had to get out of bed, go the kitchen, and write it down lest it fell into the oblivion of morning forgetfulness.

Who was your favorite character and why?
Gwyneth is my favorite character in the current novel. She is a strong female lead: intelligent, self-sufficient and not afraid to follow her convictions. Her determination and willfulness sustains her lively spirit as she embarks on the adventure of a lifetime.

Does your book have any underlying theme, message, or moral?
The underlying theme throughout the series is the plight of military personnel and how deployment affects not only the warrior but the family that is left behind. Waiting to learn the fate of a loved one is just as stressful today as it was in the eleventh century.

What would/could a reader or reviewer say about this book that shows they “get” you as an author? 
The reader can readily envisage the action and adventure as it takes place in the story. The author draws one into a world of intrigue and mystery as the characters suffer through a myriad of emotions, which are readily identifiable in modern society.

Give us an excerpted quote from your favorite review of this book: 
Timeline is from another time (past and present) which was not quite like anything I have ever read. I enjoyed every second I spent reading this fascinating book.

Where can people learn more about your writing?

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2 thoughts on “Book Brief |The Briton and the Dane : Timeline”

  1. Gwyneth is a great lead but there are some amazing characters in your books. Timeline is filled with them. Great plot line and fabulous suspense.

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