Whether you think Amazon.com is too big for its own good, or not, doesn’t matter. As Indie authors, we’re all on it, and we all need it. One thing Amazon does do well is providing authors with tools to get the word out about their work(s). You’ve got to give them that.
But not all authors are taking advantage of the free tools offered by Amazon.com. Today, we’re going to start with Amazon Author Central pages – because this is the FIRST thing an author should do.
One way Amazon makes Author Central pages convenient is that you don’t need to set up a special author account. You can use your existing customer account log-in (if you’re already a customer). If you’re not, you can set up an account. This account is NOT linked to your Kindle Direct or Createspace accounts, if you have those. This is completely separate.
Before I show you how to claim and set up your author page, you’d probably like to know why you need one. #1 – they’re free. It’s like having your own multi-media website from which people can also buy your books. #2 – you can post your biography, video trailers and even rss feeds from your blog(s) and twitter there. #3 – you can post upcoming events, signings, appearances, etc. #4 – potential readers can post questions directly to you in the “discussions” forum. And lastly #5 – All your books will be linked to one page where people can see everything: how many books, how many reviews, and the cost. Here’s a screen shot of my Amazon.com Author Central page to give you an idea (click on it to enlarge):
That’s a lot of functionality for free, isn’t it? So what are you waiting for?
If you already have a book listed with Amazon, here’s what you do. Go to https://authorcentral.amazon.com/. On the right hand side of the screen, it says “New to Author Central?” And under that is a yellow button which reads “Join Now”. Click on that.
On the next screen, if you’re already an Amazon.com customer, fill in your log-in information there and sign in. (If you don’t already have an account, type in your email address, then click “no” and follow the instructions from there.) You’ll be asked to accept their terms etc., etc. You know what to do. Next, fill in how your author name appears on your book(s) so they can match you up. They’ll ask you to confirm your identity. Continue to follow the instructions from there.
Now there are lots of things you can do with your Author Central page. You can update your page to include multimedia, blog feeds, a Twitter feed, or events, you can edit your list of books, and you can add more books when they become available. Their instructions are very user friendly.

If you click “profile” on the blue bar in your Author Central dashboard, it will bring up a screen with everything you need to customize your page. It even gives you the opportunity to customize a shortcut url for your Author Central page. Click on the screenshot to the right to enlarge it.
So there you have it. Set up your Author Central page and share it!
We’ll talk about Amazon Affiliates in installment #2.
Want to know more about other great Author Central features? This article will help: https://indiesunlimited.com/2014/02/18/amazon-author-central-refresher-course/
There are now Amazon Central pages on the UK, FR, DE, JP sites, too! Here are the sites. By the time you have them all set up, you'll be an expert!
True that Linda! Be forewarned, those sites are of course in foreign languages. Beware the Google translator if you decide to be adventurous and try to write your bio in the appropriate language. You have to apply for an Author Central account in each country, and they can take a while to get back to you, so do it now.
I asked a French friend to translate my bio for amazon.fr, which she graciously did. Of course, she could have written anything and I'd be none the wiser!
I was being lazy and cautious, so I pasted my English bio into Google translated and converted it to French. Good thing I speak French! I did the same thing for German, and was glad that I can pretty much understand German (although I can't speak it). Funny how some things just don't translate well!
Another top tutorial. Every day I learn something new and very interesting…well, definitely on a Tuesday.
Love these opportunities to spread the word.
Yvonne, we'll be sharing our author pages tomorrow – you're ahead of your time! 😀
I just saw Linda's and jumped in. Sorry. I have been so crazy busy I didn't take time to read carefully enough. 🙁
No worries! 🙂
Thanks Carol! Glad to help!
OK, I wised up. But Japanese? Makes sense though as so many learn English. I could only see one format of each book but don't know if it was paper or e-book. Maybe I'll never know. 🙂
Thank you! I had no idea this feature was even available. This tutorial is being bookmarked right now.
I don't have anything published yet but I know some wonderful writers who do so I'm going to send them the link to this tutorial as well.
Well done IU and K.S. Brooks. Looking forward to the next instalment.
You're very welcome! Glad it's helpful! 🙂 And thanks so much for spreading the word!
What a great tool! Sounds like I will definitely need a translated!
Oops! Translator!
It really is a great tool, especially for authors who don't have their own websites. 🙂
Hello indies. Here's my author page:
http :www.amazon.com/-/e/B007444DC6.
There are only a few requests by others. Where is everybody?
Uh-oh, I fogot the http slashes on my author page link.
Here it is: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007444DC6
Thank you K.S. Your timing was perfect.
Here's my author page link –
For anyone interested – my latest novel Scent of Gardenia will be free this Friday and Saturday on Amazon.
Hi Dick, thanks for stopping by. I believe the page you want to post your link to (and make sure you include the http so it's clickable) is https://indiesunlimited.com/2012/05/16/amazon-….
K.S. Brooks,
I have an excel file I used to like everyone's author links. Should you want to pass it along please let me know and tell me how to attach.
What a great source of information! You're right about Amazon…No wonder they sell so many books. Other online resellers should follow their lead. My account is set up. Thanks so much for the info! http://www.buckthegooddoog.com
Or <a target="_blank" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/entity/Renee-Pierce-Williams/B0083UFTY6/?ie=UTF8&tag=indieunlim-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957" rel="nofollow"> <a href="http://;http://www.amazon.com/author/reneepiercewilliams<img” target=”_blank”>;http://www.amazon.com/author/reneepiercewilliams<img src="https://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=indieunlim-20&l=ur2&o=1" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
Book will launch June 1, 2012.
This is the tutorial – you need to post the link to your author page in the like-fest thread: https://indiesunlimited.com/2012/05/16/amazon-…
Caught up again.