It’s been a while since we’ve done an Author Central page like-fest. Don’t have an Author Central page? Oh! The humanity! Here’s how to make one. It’s free. Don’t be the last one to have one, for crying out loud.
Just put the link to your Author Central page from Amazon in the comment section below, and people will click over and give you a nice, reassuring like.
[Don’t forget, if you right-click the links, you can choose to have them open in a separate tab so you don’t have to worry about navigating back and forth to pages.]
Please submit ONE AUTHOR PAGE only.
For anyone who has ethical issues with giving a like to an author they haven’t read, that’s fine. We don’t see likes as equating to an endorsement though. We regard likes as more analogous to a “high five” than a rating or review. We do not support the idea of rating or reviewing a book you have never read.
As a matter of good form, if you do put your link in so other people can like your page, do take the trouble to like the others. Don’t be “that guy.” Here’s one to get you kicked off:
The Evil Mastermind and our host, five-star author Stephen Hise: http://www.amazon.com/Stephen-Hise/e/B004WG3JG0/ Like him!!!!
Here I am. 🙂 http://www.amazon.com/Yvonne-Hertzberger/e/B006X3DEOC/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
Done. Great page
Done, #225!
LIKED and Tweeted
Liked yours before.
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
I could not find the like button on the link you provided. Am I missing something?
Apparently Amazon has changed the layout of the pages, and now have a ‘Favorite’ button instead of a ‘Like’ button. Check you own site, you’ll see. Not sure what this all means, but I’m favoriting people since I can no longer ‘like’ them. 🙂
They’ve been messing with this for weeks. Not sure if they’ll go back or not – it hasn’t been consistent.
Actually, mine’s back to the old one today. I really don’t care for the new one. It warps the book covers, and with more than a few books, it requires people to do a lot of scrolling.
Just checked mine, and it’s still the new scrolling version. I agree, the new version’s a pain.
Thank you Charles Ray. I will get back to this later today and add my page as well.
Here’s me: http://www.amazon.com/K.-S.-Brooks/e/B002WKAOVG/
Thank you! 🙂
done, #180
LIKED and tweeted
Thank you! Liked you earlier. 🙂
LIKED!! Cheers!
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Already did, first thing.
And please don’t forget the Evil Mastermind. http://www.amazon.com/Stephen-Hise/e/B004WG3JG0/
Got the Evil Mastermind!
LIKED and Tweeted
Liked his earlier.
Thank you
LIKED and Tweeted
LIKED! Cheers!
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Morning all! My Amazon author page is:
Thanks so much!
Stopped by.
done, #71
LIKED and tweeted
LIKED!! Cheers!
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Here’s mine:
Stopped by.
done, #156
LIKED and Tweeted
LIKED!! Cheers!
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Hello and thank you!
done at #17
LIKED and tweeted
LIKED!! Cheers!
Love the chef’s hat!
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Hello. I’m really excited to be posting my Author Page in this column. My first book came out in July, so this is the first time I’ve been part of your Author Page Like-Fest!
Done. Congratulations on the first book
done at 17!
LIKED and tweeted
Do the people who have to comment on every single post here realize the rest of us have more than 100 emails filling our inboxes and wasting our time?
LIKED!! Cheers!!
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Hello to everyone!
Here’s my author page. **Singing like Barney–“I love you. You love me…” **
done, was #15
LIKED and tweeted
LIKED ! Cheers!
LIKED and tweeted
done, #129
Liked yours previously.
LIKED! Cheers!
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Hi everyone! I’ve gotten everyone up to this point. Here’s mine:
done, got at #73
LIKED and tweeted
LIKED! Cheers!
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Morning all! I’ll run through everyone’s today! Meanwhile, here’s mine: http://www.amazon.com/Stacy-Mantle/e/B005ZJA59C
done, at #32
LIKED and tweeted
Liked. No. 42
LIKED! Cheers!
Here’s mine: http://www.amazon.com/Kathy-Steinemann/e/B0083P2RYQ/
I have everyone up to here, and I’m delighted to see some new authors in addition to the core group.
done, #36
LIKED and tweeted
LIKED! Cheers
Hi everyone
done, at #150
LIKED and tweeted
Previously liked.
LIKED! Cheers!
Here’s me:
done, at #106
LIKED and tweeted
Previously liked.
LIKED! Cheers!
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
As always, thank you to a supportive community.
done, at #14
LIKED and tweeted
LIKED! Cheers!
Thank you! http://www.amazon.com/author/annetterochelleaben
got you, #12
oh, thank you so much!
Hey y’all (Thanks Wendi for the head’s up)
I have one like (guess I’m behind on the times!) Appreciate the assist.
Done. You have 8 now 🙂
done, you got 12 now.
LIKED and tweeted
LIKED! Cheers!
Here’s mine. I’m caught up to every one from here. Great idea.
got you, #20
LIKED and tweeted
LIKED! Cheers!
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Hi! I have everyone to here, and I’m looking forward to seeing more!
got you, you’re at #40
LIKED and tweeted
Previously liked.
LIKED! Cheers!
Hi, everyone! I’m over here… http://www.amazon.com/Laurie-Boris/e/B005I551QA
got you! at #291
LIKED and tweeted
Previously liked.
LIKED! Cheers!
Hi, drop in and read a spell. http://www.amazon.com/Charles-Ray/e/B006WMLEZK
. I’ve visited everyone up to here.
got you, at #97
LIKED and tweeted
Previously liked.
LIKED! Cheers!
This is the first time I have done this as my book is literally just out. Excited to be a part of it
Hi Wendy – there are no “like” buttons on UK pages, so I’ve switched yours to US. 🙂 Please hop over there and fill in your bio and photo, etc. Thanks!
Will do. Thank you. I didn’t realise that the accounts were completely different.
No worries. Glad to help. 🙂
There doesn’t seem to be a Like button on the UK author pages.
Kathy, it has been changed to US Authors pages. Sorry about the mix up I am new to all of this
done, at #7
LIKED and tweeted
Liked, no. 20
LIKED! Cheers!
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
We all seem to catch new people we haven’t tagged before, so I like this idea. My link is http://www.amazon.com/L.-Leander/e/B008IVRNU8
I’ll check back all day to keep caught up.
done, you are at #86
LIKED and tweeted
Done. No.100.
Thank you all in advance. So thankful to be able to post this here 🙂 http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00KDNZWCK
The link takes you to my page, but am wondering why my name isn’t listed like the others…. LOL Anyway, I have stopped by each of the pages up to this point and given lots off love. 🙂
Rod: Interesting that Amazon constructed your link with a – instead of your name. Must have been a glitch in the software when you signed up. No matter, though – the link takes one to the right place.
Hi Rod, if you go to this article: https://indiesunlimited.com/2012/05/15/amazon-com-author-central-pages/ and scroll down to the bottom, there’s information about customizing your author central link to include your name so it looks like amazon.com/author/RodHall. I, too, don’t understand why there’s just a dash. You must be dashing. 😉
got you, #27
LIKED and tweeted
Liked. No. 42
Thank you so much, here’s mine! Have a great day y’all!
LIKED and tweeted
Done. No. 106
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Here’s mine: http://www.amazon.com/Jacqueline-Hopkins/e/B004NG62I6/
Got everyone up to here, will be back later to like more.
got you, #150
LIKED and tweeted
previously liked.
Nice to see everyone’s pages listed! Here’s mine: http://www.amazon.com/Alan-Seeger/e/B00B73RKIO
done, at #9
Whew! Liked everyone’s pages. So interesting reading all the bios!
Why haven’t I liked your page before this? Glad it’s sorted now… 😉
LIKED and tweeted
Liked. No. 26.
done, #9
done, at #33
LIKED and tweeted
And I’d love a like on my Author Central page too, of course…
Caron, I’ve changed your UK page to the US page as UK pages do not have likes. Please head on over to your US page and add your bio and other information. Thanks, Kat
Phew! Thank you!
That answers my next question…
got you, #4
LIKED and tweeted
Liked. No. 19
Done! If you could return the favor that would be great! http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Hi all, I have liked everyone on here. Like most people, I have gone through several times to pick up the more recent posts, though I haven’t responded to each individual.
Caught up to here! Will check back later
All caught up. Nice to see so many new pages.
And I caught up to here too! Will check back later again:)
Yikes, I’m very late to the party. In the process of liking the other pages. Here’s mine.
like #87
thanks! Got you, too.
LIKED and tweeted
Previously liked.
like #30
LIKED and tweeted
Liked. No. 43.
Would love a ‘like’ on my Author Central page! In the process of ‘liking’ other pages! Thanks for inviting me to the party:) Here it is: http://www.amazon.com/author/audreykane
Got you, #9
Think I’ve gotten most/all of you:)
LIKED your page!
LIKED and tweeted
Liked. No. 22
Done. If you could return the favor that would be great! Thanks in advance. http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Caught up to here…
I’m caught up to here!
Caught up to here 🙂
LIKED and tweeted
got you, #49
Previously liked.
got you, #53
Gave you a like!!
LIKED and tweeted
Previously liked.
Drop by and LIKE us and check out our video book trailers!
LIKED and tweeted
Liked. No. 28
Done. If you could return the favor that would be great! Thanks in advance. http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Likes are very appreciated! I’ll reciprocate down the list tonight.
LIKED and tweeted
Liked. No. 28.
All caught up to here. Nice to see lots of new pages.
LIKED and tweeted
Previously liked.
Hi Richard,
I’m from the St. Louis area too. My novels (thus far) are set in St. Louis. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you Karen. I went to Lindbergh High School in south county. I’ll check out your books. Looks like they were written about my high school!
This is my Amazon Central author page: http://www.amazon.com/M.-A.-Roberts/e/B008MO9DTU
LIKED and tweeted
Previously liked.
Here is the link to L.A. Lewandowski.
I will work my way through the pages I haven’t liked in the past.
I’ve worked my way through and liked everyone to here. Sorry, it won’t let me like ’em twice.
LIKED and tweeted
Liked. No. 26
here’s mine: http://www.amazon.com/Jacquel-May/e/B00C1SB40E/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
Ok…I am caught up to here! Thanks everyone! Lots to like today and great authors!!
Here is my Amazon author page.
LIKED and tweeted
LIKED! Cheers!
LIKED! Cheers!
New Zealand in last as usual. It’s that time zone difference!
Nice to Like all those new people. You’ve all been liked folks.
Here’s mine for those who are kind enough to catch up.
Done. If you could return the favor that would be great! Thanks in advance. http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
like #31
I have LIKED and tweeted everyone to this time.. and I thank you for this opportunity… there are so many interesting folks here…
Likes to all. A nice gesture at any time, on any occasion.
Done. No. 4
Caught up to here.
All caught up to here.
Hi to all who are new to this group.
like #100!
like #24
Wow! Finally got everyone up to here. What fun!
Halloween goodies galore. http://www.amazon.com/Tamara-Thorne/e/B000APIVGK/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1
like #32
I’m *very* late to the party, but here’s mine:
But not TOO late. 🙂
Thanks, Yvonne. 🙂
I’m caught up liking to here.
Like #41
Later to the party than anyone else, but hopefully not too late. 🙂
Heading from the bottom up to like all those who got here before me.
Done. If you could return the favor that would be great! Thanks in advance. http://www.amazon.com/Carrie-Cross/e/B00FNWVF2C/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414640249&sr=8-1
Like #44
Whew! Caught up to here, finally.
Oops, wrong link, try this one. (I’m such a rookie!)
I did the same!
I saw the link to St. Louis. My grandparents lived in Webster Groves.
like #18
Would just like to say a big thank you to all the fab people at Indies Unlimited – your publications and blogs have been an inspiration and a massive practical help. And thank you so much for today’s Amazon-Page-Fest-athon too!
Would surely appreciate a few likes. Will reciprocate. 🙂
Thanks, Charles.:-)
I just Liked a bunch of people. It’s so easy not sure why everyone does not just give it a click. Maybe most do. Hoping so. Indie authors unite!
Caught you all up to here!
And thank you for my likes!
This would be my page: http://www.amazon.com/Mike-Jansen/e/B009TPSHQQ/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_3
Going through the list on this page now 🙂
like #31
Does anyone know why different author pages come up on Amazon? The formatting seems to vary from browser to browser. Are the “likes” still there, somewhere?
Amazon has been experimenting with author pages. The format changed and like buttons disappeared for me for several weeks. I complained to them and it changed back a week later. Others I know have seen the same thing and sometimes it varies between browsers. There has been a lot of discussion about this in a Facebook Author group I’m in that shares FB and Amazon likes.
Came back and got all above. Thank you all.
I’ve sent a like to everyone’s Amazon page up to here.
I’m working on everyone right now. Here’s mine. http://www.amazon.com/J.-Scott-Sharp/e/B006C30RYS/fblink/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_nu_2rWuub17C6CDJ
Hi Folks, I have liked the Amazon author pages of every single one of you up there. I hope every single one of you up there will be so kind as to reciprocate: http://www.amazon.com/Venky-Iyer/e/B009ATJO0O/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1383717441&sr=1-2-ent
Please Like me too. I’m, like, a Likeable guy, and I return Like with Like. So, please do it, Like, now. 🙂 http://www.amazon.com/James-Bottino/e/B005J15ESI/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1414852185&sr=8-1
James, you are liked on Amazon, Facebook and followed on Twitter.
Whew! I’m all caught up to here. Have a great day, everyone.