Lots is going on with Google right now. When isn’t there, right? So how about we take this opportunity to make some new friends on Google Plus?
This is how it works: If you are an author, publisher, publicist, literary agent, book reviewer, librarian (or especially a book-lover), etc., in the comments below, paste in the link for your Google Plus profile (one link ONLY please). Make sure you show some love to the links in the comments above yours (by adding them to your circles), and check back throughout the day to catch up.
If you’re not sure what link to post, just find your profile, then copy and paste the URL. It should look something like this: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+KSBrooks/posts
This should be fun and should generate a lot of exposure for everyone who plays. Let’s get things moving!
PLEASE be sure to reciprocate by following those who follow you. This is give and take. If everyone plays by the golden rule, we all benefit.
Good morning googlers. https://plus.google.com/+YvonneHertzberger/posts.
Morning, G+ fans.
Good morning!
Hello, all! Here I am, and have a wonderful Wednesday! 🙂
Howdy to the G+ crew
Good morning!
So encouraging a platform for budding writers!
Thank you all.
Good morning. Great idea. Thanks. I have followed all so far. 🙂
Have a great day everyone.
I don’t use Google+ very often, but I’ll pay more attention to it now. Great idea! Looking forward to adding new peeps!
Caught up to this point.
I’m not sure why names show up in some of the URLs and not in others, but anyway, here’s mine: https://plus.google.com/u/0/114185624212363098136/posts
I’ll be caught up through here in a few minutes, but like Candace Williams, I’ll pay more attention to Google+ now.
I was wondering the same thing – why do some of the URLs have names but others don’t?
Google+ gives you the option of customizing your link. I guess some folks have not taken advantage of that.
Oh. Guess I’m one of those folks. 🙂 Thanks! I’ll change it.
You’re welcome! No problem. I put it off for a long time because they kept asking me for my cell phone number and I didn’t want those Google+ people to be calling me whenever they felt like it. I’m a hermit for a reason. 😉
Thanks, Kat. I saw that after I added everyone and started exploring Google+. I’ll customize mine.
I just changed mine, and I did something sneaky with it. It says to add more characters after your name to identify it as uniquely yours (for people who have the same name, like me.) So, I added “dotnet” which makes it ALSO easy for people to find my website. Heh.
Hi Everyone! Come see me! Drop by, we’ll have coffee and donuts!
I’ll catch up later. My job for the day includes a little winter fly fishing. https://plus.google.com/u/0/+RichardBenderHillbillySavant/posts
Thanks, Kat. Lovely idea. Not sure if my link is the best it can be but will have a look. Looking forward to connecting with wonderful writers here.
Caught up to here 🙂
Got everyone through here.
Caught up here.
Caught up to here. About half of the new ones I circled have circled back.
Howdy Folks.
Jack the link doesn’t work.
Coming in late, but I’ll add the earlier ones. SK Rizzolo Regency mystery author: https://plus.google.com/u/1/+SKRizzolo/posts
Well this is timely – I’m reviving my g+ activity. Here’s my link and TIA https://plus.google.com/+LissajohnstonWriter