Forrest Gump vs Lieutenant Dan

The other day I received an e-mail from an author friend. The e-mail included a link to an article about an indie author who had written a book so bad that it had displaced all other claimants to the crown. The article cited some excerpts from the book, and I must agree the writing, grammar, spelling, and punctuation were all equally execrable. The author of the article was having a great deal of Simon Cowell – type fun with this. He righteously dripped with sarcasm and condescension. This book is a prime example of the kind of writing that causes such sturm und drang in the indie author community. None of us wish to be even loosely associated with this type of “author.” The thought that some might paint all indies in the same light as this fellow induces a collective cringe throughout the indie community. The writer of the article then went on to quote some of the reviews of the book. Continue reading “Forrest Gump vs Lieutenant Dan”

Antrobus Safely in Custody at Indies Unlimited

Author David Antrobus

After a spirited chase, we are pleased to announce that author David Antrobus has been safely apprehended and will now serve a long term of community service writing blog posts and emptying out the hazardous material bins here at Indies Unlimited.

He says that what sets his style apart is his flagrant disregard for any sense of decorum or discipline whatsoever. This means he’ll be a good fit here at IU. David, welcome to the jungle, and remember – every Tuesday it’s all the gruel you can eat at the IU  employee cafeteria.

You can also follow David’s literary exploits at his own blog, but let’s face it – he won’t have time to get into much mischief over there anymore.

David’s book, Dissolute Kinship: A 9/11 Road Trip  recounts a solo car journey he took from the West Coast of Canada to New York City just over ten years ago.


Why Do You Write?

I have had interviews and read interviews that pose this question. Having borne witness to a number of answers that go something like I cannot envision life without writing, writing is in my soul, writing is who I am, etc., I decided not to include that question in my interviews.

I have some bad news for you. The world does not care a whit who you are. You are one voice among billions. Go ahead and declare yourself to the world. You will find the world indifferent.

Neither do I find such an answer very illuminating.  It tells me nothing of interest. Perhaps the fault lies in the question itself. Continue reading “Why Do You Write?”

Moving the Velvet Rope – by Stephen Hise

There are and have long been exclusive clubs. Some exert their exclusivity through means of social status or wealth. That’s why Cousin Eddie won’t be seen golfing at Snobmore Country Club. Others use the velvet rope and a bouncer who makes the individual decision as to whether someone is cool enough to get in. Often, the decisions of the bouncer seem enigmatic, capricious, and objectionable to those on the wrong side of the velvet rope.

That model of exclusivity is the one used (or perhaps imposed) by the traditional publishing industry. Their idea being to preserve the integrity of the written word by selectively choosing those who would produce the written word. What a great idea. I wonder how that worked out. Continue reading “Moving the Velvet Rope – by Stephen Hise”