Sneak Peek: Through Kestrel’s Eyes

Today we have a sneak peek from author Yvonne Hertzberger’s fantasy novel, Through Kestrel’s Eyes.

Seventeen years of peace are shattered when the lords of Gharn and Lieth are toppled by traitors, throwing the land into chaos.

Liannis, the goddess’ seer, her training interrupted by the death of her mentor, must help restore the Balance. Until then Earth’s power is weakened, bringing drought, and famine. Liannis battles self-doubt and the lure of forbidden romance as she faces tests and loss. But Earth sends a vain horse and a kestrel, both with mind-speak to assist her. Time is short. The people will starve if Liannis fails to help Earth heal.

Through Kestrel’s Eyes is available through, Amazon UK, and Smashwords.

And now, an excerpt from Through Kestrel’s EyesContinue reading “Sneak Peek: Through Kestrel’s Eyes”

The Flash Fiction Race is On!

The race is on to determine this week’s victor in the Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.

You can check out this week’s entries here.  Vote for your fave and then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word that the vote is on.


Who wrote the best flash fiction entry this week?

  • Ben Steele (37%, 28 Votes)
  • Dick C Waters (36%, 27 Votes)
  • Yvonne Hertzberger (14%, 11 Votes)
  • Brian Beam (9%, 7 Votes)
  • alkaplan (4%, 3 Votes)

Total Voters: 76

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Rebekah Lyn Announces New Title

Author Rebekah Lyn is pleased to announce the release of her new novel, Winter’s End.

Musician Michelle Burton just had the best night of her life. Her band Tangled Web opened for Wonderland in downtown Orlando and the crowd loved them. Too excited to sleep she makes a fateful decision to go to work early. The best night of her life turns into the worst day of her life.

Nearby, at boutique Hotel Lago, Stephen Longbottom, acting concierge manager, is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the board of directors for Silken Pleasures, a multimillion dollar company based in New York and specializing in high end cosmetics, fragrances and lingerie. Their incessant demands before they even arrive are driving him to distraction. Meanwhile Lizzie Reynolds, his boss is on a romantic ski trip in Vermont leaving him to manage his first solo event.

Winter’s End was released on November 27, 2012 and is currently available from, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.

Above the Foxhole

It’s good to poke your head up above the foxhole every once in a while and take a look at what else is going on in the world.

As always, the goings-on run the gamut from the wonderful to the weird.

First up, our own Martin Crosbie gets a nice hat tip in this article on Kindlegate over at Digital Journal.

Are you familiar with the term “back-formation?” According to Mark Nichol, of Daily Writing Tips,  “A back-formation is a new word produced by excising an affix, such as producing the verb secrete from the noun secretion.”

Mark says that while many back-formations eventually take their place in the lexicon, there are some newer ones that writers would be wise to avoid, at least in formal writing.

Book-to-movie is the new hotness. Well, maybe not that new. So, what’s coming down the pike? Publisher’s Weekly gives us a list of the 10 most anticipated book adaptations of 2013.

Are words more than characters used to convey meaning? Here’s a piece on the meaning of writing from the National Writing Project.

Last but not least, it looks like the jello is still squishing out from between the fingers of Amazon’s iron grip when it comes to policing reviews. The New York Times sees “swarm”  reviews used as a strategic weapon to attack books.