Be Prepared… by Dick C. Waters

Give some thought to any fine print connected to the publication of your novel. You need to make sure you, and you alone, own the ‘rights’ to your novel.

Stephen asked me to write this article because several authors have voiced concern over taking back their rights. My own story might help put this in perspective. Continue reading “Be Prepared… by Dick C. Waters”

Richard Houston Announces New Release

Author Richard Houston is pleased to announce the release of his new mystery novel: A View to Die For.

Outsourced software engineer Jacob Martin is trying to make the best of a divorce and mid-life crisis when he gets a call at two o’clock Sunday morning from his mother. His sister has been arrested for murder, and his father is near death. Thus begins an adventure that takes Jake and his golden retriever from their Colorado retreat to a backwater town in the Missouri Ozarks where he gets on the wrong side of a sheriff deputy. Then, just as Jake is ready to go back home, his sister drops a bombshell with a story only Louis L’Amour could write.

A View to Die For was released on October 8, 2012 and is available through and Amazon UK. 

Sneak Peek: The Star Wars Enigma

Today we have a sneak peek from author Nigel Hey’s book: The Star Wars Enigma: Behind the Scenes of the Cold War Race for Missile Defense.

After 40 years of East-West nuclear standoff, President Ronald Reagan created the program he called the Strategic Defense Initiative, nicknamed Star Wars. This book contains a wealth of information about Soviet, as well as American, efforts to rule the skies with exotic new defensive weaponry. Personal interviews with American, Soviet, and British experts provided thousands of words of previously unpublished material upon this pivotal gambit in the Cold War stakes. The Star Wars Enigma traces the origin, the proponents and opponents, and the drama that accompanied the downfall of Soviet defense strategy and ended the threat of East-West nuclear holocaust.

The Star Wars Enigma is available from Amazon US, Amazon UK and Barnes & Noble.

And now, an excerpt from The Star Wars EnigmaContinue reading “Sneak Peek: The Star Wars Enigma”

Carolyn Steele Announces New Release

Author Carolyn Steele is pleased to announce the release of her new travelogue: Trucking in English.

Almost Ice Road Truckers, except for the tulip bulbs…this is the tale of what happens when a middle-aged mum from England decides to actually drive 18-wheelers across North America instead of just dreaming about it. From early training (when it becomes apparent that negotiating 18 wheels and 13 gears involves slightly more than just learning how to climb in) this rookie overcomes self-doubt, infuriating companions and inconsiderate weather to become a real trucker. Nothing goes well, but that’s why there’s a book.

Trucking in English was released on November 18, 2012 and is available through, Amazon UK, and Smashwords.