Beginner’s Guide To Making An Audiobook

Wouldn’t you like to give your book added appeal? Well, how about creating an audiobook to accompany it? According to my reliable sources, the DIY audiobooks offered as a freebie included with the Kindle book are popular. It’s a sort of loss-leader and attention grabber at the same time. Continue reading “Beginner’s Guide To Making An Audiobook”

How To Make Your Book A Chart Topper

Have you ever wondered how those lucky authors get into the top one hundred on Amazon and yearn to join them? If only you could get a break, your book would break free from the pack and become a best-seller.

Just how many sales do you need to rise in the charts? 2,000? 200? Using Novelrank, I discovered that even two or three sales seemed to get my books to move quite significantly up the charts – admittedly, it was still lurking about in the thousands—however, I had a theory that might ensure it a place in the hundreds. Continue reading “How To Make Your Book A Chart Topper”

Roll Up For The Mystery Tour

In this digital age of ours, it is important to grab a share of the vast internet audience of readers who lurk in cyberspace. Of course, we have our regular followers and Facebook friends, yet how can we get out into that big bad internet world, filled with people who haven’t heard of us? What about a book tour? If you feature on blogs where you are not known, and where there are different followers to yours, surely you’ll pick up some new readers?

Last month, I decided to test this theory and took part in my first ever virtual book tour. Up until then, I had had very mixed feelings about them. I’d researched several companies and always decided against them. They seemed to be costly. Some seemed overly pushy. Some of the tour hosts had very few blog followers and, finally, I couldn’t really find any evidence that justified wasting my money on one. Instead, I organised my own book tour, and, although I got onto stacks of blogs, and had plenty of interviews, I exhausted myself. It was a nightmare trying to coordinate posts and promote it all, after all, I was only promoting to people who already knew me. Continue reading “Roll Up For The Mystery Tour”

Using Animoto to Make a Thirty Second Book Trailer

[NOTE: this is a repeat of a previously published tutorial by IU Special Agent Carol Wyer. She is currently away on secret assignment, teaching homeless dolphins to dance, or possibly something else. I’m a little fuzzy on the details. I have it written down here somewhere. Please also note Animoto has added some new templates and features. Below is a video K.S. Brooks made just this week using one of the new templates.]

I have been researching book trailer videos for weeks for my post next month when I discuss whether or not we should employ experts to produce book trailer videos. I have watched so many trailers that I have started buying popcorn to eat while I browse them all. Some are brilliant. Sad to say, mine is not in the ‘brilliant’ category and I have spent hours fooling about with Windows trying to make a reasonable video.

Imagine then my pleasure when I stumbled across I am still a bit of a Luddite when it comes to technological mysteries but Animoto is very easy to use. Now, remember I am a ‘numpty’ and I am also very old, so be patient as I attempt to explain how to use this great site. Continue reading “Using Animoto to Make a Thirty Second Book Trailer”