Digital Dementia: Prevent It by Reading with Your Kids

read with your kids for-reading-813666_960_720The jury is far from in on this but there is a growing body of evidence indicating that spending too much time with electronic devices in the formative years can, quite literally, interfere with brain development in some areas. The theory is controversial but from what I know of child development, there may be some truth in it. We will not know the final verdict until the current generation becomes adults. These articles from The New York Times, Psychology Today, and Science Daily, explain a bit about it.

The term “digital dementia” was coined by South Korean researchers when doctors reported seeing young patients with memory and cognitive problems, conditions more commonly linked to brain injuries. Others noted issues including aggression, moodiness, restlessness, strange cravings, emotional control and relationships. Continue reading “Digital Dementia: Prevent It by Reading with Your Kids”

Writing Groups and the Toxic Critic

angry author courtesy of pixabay man-70442_960_720We’ve had posts about critique groups before. These groups can be very helpful to writers if they are balanced and the members show mutual support and respect.  Until recently that’s how it’s been for me. Members respected each other and genuinely tried to provide constructive feedback, trusting that it came with good intentions. This keeps groups working together without rancor.

But what happens when one member becomes volatile, angry, and refuses to hear what the others say? Continue reading “Writing Groups and the Toxic Critic”

To Memoir or Not to Memoir

author writing memoir hand-325321_640Authors write memoirs for a variety of reasons. The question is – does the motivation really matter? Is it just enough to share your story, or does it have to have some kind of reasoning behind it?

One popular and, I think, good reason is to share anecdotes that are funny – to make readers smile or laugh. I have read and enjoyed a few of those. The issue with humour is it can be very difficult to write well. Someone can lead a life filled with amusing incidents but unless they are written with a good comic flare they will fall flat. I’m afraid mine would never fall into that category. My attempts at humour usually result in, “Er – what?” Continue reading “To Memoir or Not to Memoir”

New Book Launch and Marketing

Yvonne's book launch - 02So your baby is in the hands of your editor and you look at a blank screen asking yourself, “What now?” This is the stage that gives new writers their biggest challenge. IU is here to help.

If you’ve been reading the advice on social media you will have already begun to let your potential fans know the book is near completion. You’ve posted the cover on Facebook and Twitter and your blog/website. You’ve posted regular updates or tidbits there as well for the last three months – to keep the anticipation going. You’ve collected email addresses and organized them so you are ready to send out invites to all those who have given you permission. No? Don’t beat yourself up. I suck at all that, too – but now that my fourth novel is almost here I’ve been learning. So will you. Continue reading “New Book Launch and Marketing”