Philip Nork Announces New Release

Author Philip Nork is pleased to announce the release of his new creative non-fiction memoir, Misguided Sensitivity.

The journey we are on is a difficult one, even more so for those from a broken family. Follow one boy as he searches for the two desires we all have in common: to be accepted by others, and to be truly happy. Life continues through the good and the bad, and each and every person you meet along the way leaves pieces behind, like a jigsaw puzzle, for you to piece together as you grow and learn. And as you put those pieces together, you hopefully become a better person for it. We are indeed all connected, and everything you do really does matter and will always affect someone else in one way or another.

Misguided Sensitivity was released on May 9, 2012 published by All Things That Matter Press. It is available through most on-line book retailers, including

David Biddle Announces New Release

beyond the will of godAuthor David Biddle is pleased to announce the release of his new mystery novel, Beyond the Will of God.

Police detective Jill Simpson investigates the murder of an Amish teenager. Tabloid reporter Frank Harris investigates mysterious Elvis sightings in Missouri farm country. As these two work first separately and then as a team, the plot progresses to include many of the legendary conspiracies people pondered during the ‘60s and ‘70s. Threaded through the story is the question of the power of music, especially loud guitar music, and whether we have missed out on identifying secret dimensions of human perception here in the 21st century. Beyond the Will of God is an off-the-grid mystery.

Beyond the Will of God was released on June 12, 2012, published by Flat Branch Press. It is available on as an e-book and in a bound paper edition.

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